Sitting at home

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    The wage gap is a myth that’s been debunked.



    “The 76-cent statistic is misleading because it is a raw comparison of all working men and women. Thus a female receptionist working 40-hour weeks is tossed in with a male orthopedic surgeon putting in 70-hour weeks”

    So as you can see, it’s actually an effort gap. And only women themselves can resolve it.


    “Critics charge that pay differences between men and women are simply a matter of personal choices. AAUW addressed this argument in our 2012 report, Graduating to a Pay Gap: The Earnings of Women and Men One Year
    after College Graduation. Our analysis found that just one year after college graduation, women were paid just 82 percent of what their male counterparts were paid.7 An earlier report, Behind the Pay Gap (AAUW, 2007),
    found that 10 years after graduation, the pay gap widened, and women were paid only 69 percent of what men were paid.”

    “In part, these pay gaps do reflect men’s and women’s choices, especially the choice of college major and the type of job pursued after graduation. For example, women are more likely than men to go into teaching, and this contributes to the pay gap because teachers tend to be paid less than other college graduates. This portion of the pay gap is considered to be explained, regardless of whether teachers’ wages are considered fair.”

    “Yet not all of the gap can be “explained away.” After accounting for college major, occupation, economic sector, hours worked, months unemployed since graduation, GPA, type of undergraduate institution, institution selectivity, age, geographical region, and marital status, Graduating to a Pay Gap found that a 7 percent difference in the earnings of male and female
    college graduates one year after graduation was still unexplained.”

    “Similarly, Behind the Pay Gap found a 12 percent unexplained difference in earnings among full-time workers 10 years after college graduation. Other
    researchers have also found that the gender pay gap is not fully accounted for by women’s and men’s choices.”


    Once again, it’s a matter of effort. Female graduates are opting for easier jobs with shorter hours. Why should the be paid the same for doing less?


    Thestone, I think you missed the part where occupation was adjusted for in the statistical analysis.


    “Women business owners make less than half of what male business owners make, which, since they have no boss, makes it independent of discrimination”.

    Well that covers a chunk of it. Also, while they say they’re accounting for occupation, unless they’re VERY specific, you can have jobs with vastly different pay scales that will come under the same vague occupation heading.

    I’ve never seen an article that talks about the pay gap that actually references companies that have people in identical jobs but pay the women less.


    Yeah fuck those whores! 🙂


    Yo check out this giraffe

    Chet Manley

    Interesting. Gropegrope has also posted that giraffe in threads where he’s gotten his ass handed to him. Interesting…


    So no stats that prove males make up a majority in the workforce then Finkly…?
    That is what this thread is about….no?

    Convince me then…?




    “In an editorial, the New York Times called the IWF (Independent Women’s Forum)”a right-wing public policy group that provides pseudofeminist support for extreme positions that are in fact dangerous to women.”'s_Forum


    What about CBS?


    CBS is sourcing “Marty Nemko, the co-president of the National Organization for Men” for this article.

    And the AAUW study is challenging his claims.


    Oh but AAUW is a women’s group. So by your logic we have to disregard it. I mean if Men’s groups don’t count then neither do Women’s groups. Equality!


    I don’t remember saying “disregard” Nemko; however, I do feel the AAUW study challenges his claims.

    “After accounting for college major, occupation, economic sector, hours worked, months unemployed since graduation, GPA, type of undergraduate institution, institution selectivity, age, geographical region, and marital status, Graduating to a Pay Gap found that a 7 percent difference in the earnings of male and female
    college graduates one year after graduation was still unexplained.”

    OK, leave the studies out of it, what are we left with?

    How do you measure equality?

    I want equality, too, and I want for everyone.



    “I want equality, too, and I want *equality* for everyone.”


    Nobody’s created equal. It’s an American myth. Check me out, for instance.


    Casemods your just a narcissist…

    “In my work with extreme narcissist patients I have found that their emotional age and maturity corresponds to the age they experienced their major trauma. This trauma was devastating to the point it almost killed that person emotionally. The pain never was totally gone and the bleeding was continuous. In order to survive, this child had to construct a protective barrier that insulates him/her from the external world of people. He generalized that all people are harmful and cannot be trusted.”

    “The protective insulation barrier he constructed is called a false persona. He created a false identity. This identity is not the true person inside. The many types of false personas or identities that an extreme narcissist creates can vary.”

    “Some narcissists may have the ability to change into a variety of identities according to the situation. The wounded child inside may choose to present a front as a “bad ass” and tough individual. He may look, by appearance, intimidating and scary to the average person. He could also play the “nice guy/person” whom everyone likes. A corporate type version can be one that is diplomatic, proper, and appearing to care but in reality does not. Another very likeable extreme narcissist can be the one that chooses the comedian role. He is the life of the party and has everyone in stitches, making them laugh constantly. Everyone wants to include this person because they are a lot of fun.”

    “Try to get close or ask personal questions as to how he is internally doing and feeling and you will find is that he will quickly distract you. They will sidestep the question with another joke, making you suddenly forget what you were asking. Narcissists can be very skilled at dodging and ducking personal questions.”


    tl;dr lol


    I like turtles.

    Dyon 86

    Yea me too, what do you like about them? I like how they are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, yum yum.


    Awful lot of privilege-denying trilby-wearers in here.

    Chet Manley



    The only privilege they have is to date me 🙂


    Judging from the comment votes there must finnaly be a lot of right-minded bros here on MCS. 🙂

    Chet Manley

    It’s you’re really casemods, then change your account avatar on Steam to match your gravatar as displayed here on MCS.

    Chet Manley

    I mean do you even who what name he goes as on Steam?

    Chet Manley

    Here you go. If you’re not the real casemods, I’ve just ruined your “fun”.


    Chet Manley

    acaseofawesome is still posting here, yet the avatar of the REAL casemods on Steam has not changed. acaseofawesome != casemods. It’s just some butthurt libtard.


    Fink must be gargleXemissions or Natefag. They were the only ones I could make dance this fast 🙂


    Who’s evidently rented so much space in your head he made you dance like a puppet all day, multi-downvoting his posts and tracking down his shit on other sites.

    OTHER SITES, man.

    How thoroughly owned ARE you?

    Chet Manley

    Actually we’ve established acaseofawesome != casemods.


    Who? 🙂


    ^^^This is just sad.


    I’ll tell you one thing about your list that’s wrong. Woman have statistically been proven to suffer from depression more. Now, those numbers could be skewed by men just not reporting it as much as women, but the figures are FACT.

    Chet Manley

    The increase in depression in women coincides with the rise in Feminism.


    So you agree that one thing on the list in incorrect?

    Chet Manley

    The majority of women aren’t Feminists.


    You didn’t answer the question. Yes or no?

    Mark Antony

    I find so amusing that all those “men” who bitch, day in and day out, about the unfair privileges women enjoy, would never trade places with one. They know, deep down, that men everywhere still come out way ahead.

    They are not ranting against unfairness towards the male sex. Like all dumb hypocrites, they stand blind next to those who have been slighted and scream that the loss of privilege for themselves is the true injustice.


    Pissy little men-children who blame their emasculation on the women around them, but take no responsibility for their own success or failure.

    Chet Manley



    You’re gonna be busy today finkly….downthumbing all the folks that are sick of your shit…log-on, log-off, log-on, log-off…

    Why do you waste so much time here…?

    Nobody takes you seriously.
    You’re just a little annoying neurotic…

    Go find something useful to do.

    Chet Manley

    Interesting then that your posts have more upvotes than downvotes and mine are the reverse.


    That is interesting.
    Its the end of the month….did your data plan run out?

    Chet Manley

    How would data effect how many IP addresses you use, rdeckard?


    We’ll see what happens on Friday.

    Chet Manley

    If my data plan is used up, how is it I am still here trashing you in this debate?


    Hey, you already admitted that the way you multiple downvote is using your phone’s data plan.

    But you only get one IP at home.

    Like I said….we’ll see what happens on Friday…

    Chet Manley

    Where did I admit anything like that?


    It was a while ago.
    Anyway….we’ll see what happens with the downvoting in a few days.

    Have a nice day Finkly…

    Chet Manley

    Please point it out.

    Mark Antony

    If there is one thing this comment thread has proven beyond all doubt, it’s that you are the one doing all the crying and questioning of privilege. It borders on pathological obsession.

    Contrary to what you might think: posting nonsense, ad nauseum, anonymously, on an online comment thread does not bring validity to what passes for your “arguments.” I can only surmise that you feel so utterly emasculated in real life that hysterical raving is the only way for you regain some sense of worth. Sad.

    Do you know what a real man does with his life? Here’s a clue: it doesn’t involve whining day after day like a sissy bitch.

    Chet Manley

    Look at that. I’m still getting more downvotes than rdeckard.

    Chet Manley

    Wrong again.


    What an ugly cunt. 🙂

    Mark Antony

    While I’m waiting for your to actually grow a pair (it will take a while) tell me how a generic statement unsupported by any kind of statistical proof amounts to convincing evidence in your mind.

    Or did you post this because the picture makes you so very, very jealous?

    If you want to be a woman, go ahead and be one. You’ll finally be able to enjoy all those extra privileges you could never enjoy before. Go ahead and make your dreams a reality.

    Chet Manley

    Sure. Once you’ve prove “all those “men” who bitch, day in and day out, about the unfair privileges women enjoy, would never trade places with one.”


    “…the website A Voice for Men, founded in 2009 by Paul Elam, who led the June conference, has been described as “misogynist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama nonprofit that tracks hate groups.”


    Finkly picks 5 sites to link.

    Batshit paranoid.
    Fundamentalist christian.

    I guess this is what passes for “diversified sources” in the manosphere.

    Chet Manley

    Proves that SPLC is a hate group.


    “The Social Contract Press (SCP) is an American publisher. It is a proponent of immigration reduction and population control, with an emphasis on issues such as culture and the environment. It was founded by John Tanton and is headed by Wayne Lutton, who in 2001 joined the editorial advisory board of the newspaper of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC).”

    Council of Conservative Citizens
    “The Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) is an American political organization that supports a large variety of conservative and paleoconservative causes in addition to white nationalism,[1] and white separatism.[2] Several members of the CofCC Board of Directors are former leaders of the segregationist Citizens’ Councils of America, founded by Major Bob Patterson, which is commonly referred to as the White Citizens’ Council.

    “Various critics describe the organization as a hate group. The New York Times and the Anti-Defamation League have described the Council of Conservative Citizens as a white supremacist organization.[12][17] The CofCC is considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to be part of the “neo-confederate movement”. In general, organizations such as the NAACP, League of United Latin American Citizens, SPLC (which lists it as a hate group[18]) and the Anti-Defamation League consider it a threat. Max Blumenthal calls it America’s premier racist organization and elementally dangerous to America.[19] The CofCC’s statement of principles condemns the Federal government’s intervention into state and local affairs in forcing racial integration (item 2), free-trade and globalism, immigration by non-Europeans (item 2), homosexuality, and interracial marriage (item 6).[2]”

    Chet Manley

    SPLC hates them so it make SPLC claims invalid. Thanks for playing!


    Seriously Finkly…?
    That’s all you’ve got….?

    You get called on siting a bunch of loony ultra-conservative sources and all you can say is that reputable organizations “hate them”…?

    Maybe you should go hang out at Stormfront.

    Chet Manley

    Feminists and Liberals are the ones calling for death to Israel, dumbass. 🙂


    Do you really believe the shit you post…?

    You can’t be that stupid…can you?

    Chet Manley

    So no rebuttal, just hurt feelings.

    Chet Manley

    I love that throughout all the liberal and feminist butthurt, they have yet to address the fact that women sit at home while go out to work, which proves that men are the ones that are oppressed, not the women.


    Have you actually read that book?
    Clearly no woman has ever “lured” you with sex….

    Chet Manley

    Still can’t address the fact that women sit at home while the men go out to work, which proves that men are the ones that are oppressed, not the women.


    Women actually outnumber men in the workforce, Finkly.

    Game, set, match.

    Chet Manley

    So then why do we still have Feminism? Why do Feminists claim they have no power? You just proved Feminism is all lies.

    Chet Manley

    Also, that’ strictly non-farm employees on a payroll, and only for a cherry picked 4 months out of the year. It can be thrown in the trash.


    There is still a pay gap.

    At least you admit that this post is nothing but shit.
    Women don’t actually “sit at home” more than men do.

    I guess you’ve learned something today.

    Chet Manley

    So now you’re back tracking on your claim that more women work than men. Good.


    “Hired farmworkers make up less than 1 percent of all U.S. wage and salary workers.”

    So I guess that “cherry picking” doesn’t really change the stats.

    Women still work just as much as men.
    Thanks for playing.

    Chet Manley

    No, the cherry picking was selecting only 4 of the 12 months of the year. Nice try at squirming out of it.

    Also, Feminism didn’t just start this year. It’s been raging for ~100 years.


    Then show me your stats where men greatly outnumber women in the work force.

    Convince me Finkly.


    So can I interpret your silence as “I’ve got nothing”?

    I accept your concession, then.

    Chet Manley

    Nope, you made the initial claim.


    “If men really wanted to oppress women, wouldn’t men be the ones sitting at home while the women were forced to work?”

    You do realize that is what this thread is about…?

    Now convince me men make up a much greater percentage of the workforce with some actual stats.

    Seriosly, convince me…


    US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013.
    Women 16+ working full time: 49,979,000. Part time: 17,598,000. Men 16 working full time: 66,335,000. Part time: 10,017,000.

    Seriously, find a better source for statistics than a blog.

    Chet Manley

    You know I find it interesting that the posts from acaseofawesome stopped the moment I tricked gropegrope/rdeckard into a heated exchange.


    That true, but it’s also true is that the ‘acaseofawesome’ comments stopped when you continued your misogynist-white male victimhood rant on this thread.

    Chet Manley

    Actually my comments were posted throughout the acaseofawesome comments. But once I got you upset and into a heated exchange in this thread, the acaseofawesome comments stopped. Also gropey, I haven’t seen you challenge acaseofawesome in any of the threads.


    Like nailing Jello to the wall….

    Chet Manley

    Exactly. You have no claim, where as I do. Your claim is Jello and my claim is concrete. I win, you lose.


    Don’t you have a job like me?


    “Actually my comments were posted throughout the acaseofawesome comments.”

    That’s really not true, but you just keep trying.

    Chet Manley

    Actually it is true.


    Actually Finkly….my comments were the only ones posted during Awesome’s run.

    But keep making shit up….its the only thing you do well…

    Chet Manley

    Nope, look no further than this very thread.


    “I win, you lose.”


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