Wonder Woman

wonderwoman-official-small.jpg (126 KB)

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    Very nice, but why does everything these days have to be so dingy and brown? ‘gritty realism’ you say? The words ‘realism’ and ‘Zack Snyder’ do not belong together.


    He’s more of the ‘muddy & bloody’ school.


    because bright colors look silly when youre trying to be serious.


    There’s a lot of room between bright colors and this.




    Diana – Warrior Princess….
    all she needs now is a throwing disk and a blonde sidekick

    Chet Manley

    Yawn. Wake me up after this flops.

    tiki god

    this is for the “Batman v Superman” movie. she’s going to appear in it somehow


    yo Tiki wassup 🙂


    Wonder Woman should look like she could kick your arse without her powers, but instead they chose a skinny-ass model… and they put high heels on her. Lame but not surprising.


    Yeah, was really surprised when they cast her. Apparently though they haven’t shot the actual Wonder Woman scenes yet and she’s going to bulk up for them? I didn’t care for Gina Carano in Haywire, but someone like her would have been a better choice.

    tiki god

    bulk up how? with CGI?


    Rice and steroids. Maybe hamburgers.


    It worked for Hulk.


    Apparently she’s been working with Mark Twight who worked with Snyder on 300 and Man of Steel. The results so far have been less than impressive though.


    Is this a Xena reboot?

    Dyon 86

    A lot of you might disagree with me on this but I think the Wonder Woman outfit is the one of the most ridiculous costumes that they have ever designed, bloody big star spangled bloomers, she could pass as a clown,
    just look at it; http://postimg.org/image/6h1i8uzbz/
    so even though this new look is a bit too brown I do prefer the direction they are taking.


    Well, she is a comic book heroine from the four color glory days. Most comic book characters have ridiculous costumes (which is why they always change them for movies).


    agreed. which is why they should remove caps stupid mask. everyone knows hes steve rodgers. i know its a helmet, but does he need it while blk widow, hawkeye, falcon, ect, seem fine without one? besides, it looks goofy…big fuckin “A” and teeny birdy wings…for fucks sake.

    Dyon 86

    Haha yup.

    Dyon 86

    Exactly, which is why they HAVE to change them for the movies.


    Women make everything boring, except tits 🙂

    Chet Manley

    ^^^ Yep, some libtard is raging. I’m getting a good chuckle.


    Cool av!

    Chet Manley

    What’s wrong? Did we hurt your feelings? Sand in your vagina? Low blood sugar? Do you need a candy bar?


    You were saying something about raging LOL 🙂

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