It’s amazing how much a party’s politics can shift. The party which apparently stands for LIBERTY (in caps, no less) and personal responsibility is the party that started the so-called war on drugs.
whats even more amazing is how we can allow our world view to be controlled and dictated by someone else.
People on both sides are fed a redacted, strained, and censored version of the “truth”.
and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. 🙁
Zeku (#10786)
10 years ago
What I will never understand is that with how frequently and publicly Republican office holders shit the bed, how they still have such a rabid base. I mean they’re responsible for the weakest performance of congress in the entire history of the country, simply because they want to see Obama fail. I mean why not just cut out all the political bullshit, issue a statement that you don’t give a fuck about the people you represent and call it a day? Not to say that Democrats are much better at giving a shit about people, but most of them at least have the decency to fuck us in private 😛
What I will never understand is that with how frequently and publicly Democrat office holders shit the bed, how they still have such a rabid base. I mean they’re responsible for the weakest performance of congress in the entire history of the country, simply because they want to see Obama worshiped. I mean why not just cut out all the political bullshit, issue a statement that you don’t give a fuck about the people you represent and call it a day? Not to say that Republicans are much better at giving a shit about people, but most of them at least have the decency to fuck us in private
Bet I could easily find more examples of Republicans saying more stupid to frighteningly insane things than you could Democrat, for one. Second, how could anyone worship Obama? We’ll never know if the vast majority of any of his plans would work seeing as the Republican house has vowed to never pass anything he endorses. Third, the attempt to blame democrats for the failing of congress is hilarious, let me know how those 40+ attempts at repealing the ACA are going.
Bet I could easily find more examples of Democrats saying more stupid to frighteningly insane things than you could Republican, for one. Second, how could anyone worship Reagan? We’ll never know if the vast majority of any of his plans would work seeing as the Democrat controlled congress vowed to never pass anything he endorses. Third, the attempt to blame Republicans for the failing of congress is hilarious, let me know how those 40+ times the Democrats shut down the government went.
Seeing as the most current session is the most unproductive, logic would dictate your Reagan statement is obviously false. I wasn’t sure if you were just trolling or if ad-libbing my argument was some odd debate strategy, but with the 40+ shut down comment I’ll have to go with trolling, because no one is that stupid. Good day sir.
Being an anti-Republican is racist.
It’s amazing how much a party’s politics can shift. The party which apparently stands for LIBERTY (in caps, no less) and personal responsibility is the party that started the so-called war on drugs.
This comment is the dumbest thing I’ve seen since the video of that idiot who tries to argue against evolution.
whats even more amazing is how we can allow our world view to be controlled and dictated by someone else.
People on both sides are fed a redacted, strained, and censored version of the “truth”.
and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. 🙁
What I will never understand is that with how frequently and publicly Republican office holders shit the bed, how they still have such a rabid base. I mean they’re responsible for the weakest performance of congress in the entire history of the country, simply because they want to see Obama fail. I mean why not just cut out all the political bullshit, issue a statement that you don’t give a fuck about the people you represent and call it a day? Not to say that Democrats are much better at giving a shit about people, but most of them at least have the decency to fuck us in private 😛
What I will never understand is that with how frequently and publicly Democrat office holders shit the bed, how they still have such a rabid base. I mean they’re responsible for the weakest performance of congress in the entire history of the country, simply because they want to see Obama worshiped. I mean why not just cut out all the political bullshit, issue a statement that you don’t give a fuck about the people you represent and call it a day? Not to say that Republicans are much better at giving a shit about people, but most of them at least have the decency to fuck us in private
Bet I could easily find more examples of Republicans saying more stupid to frighteningly insane things than you could Democrat, for one. Second, how could anyone worship Obama? We’ll never know if the vast majority of any of his plans would work seeing as the Republican house has vowed to never pass anything he endorses. Third, the attempt to blame democrats for the failing of congress is hilarious, let me know how those 40+ attempts at repealing the ACA are going.
Bet I could easily find more examples of Democrats saying more stupid to frighteningly insane things than you could Republican, for one. Second, how could anyone worship Reagan? We’ll never know if the vast majority of any of his plans would work seeing as the Democrat controlled congress vowed to never pass anything he endorses. Third, the attempt to blame Republicans for the failing of congress is hilarious, let me know how those 40+ times the Democrats shut down the government went.
Seeing as the most current session is the most unproductive, logic would dictate your Reagan statement is obviously false. I wasn’t sure if you were just trolling or if ad-libbing my argument was some odd debate strategy, but with the 40+ shut down comment I’ll have to go with trolling, because no one is that stupid. Good day sir.