Germany at the time (pre war 1939) was known world wide has the best military academy. People of all colors were able to join (given that has enough connection and resource).
The third Asian from the upper right was Chiang Wei-kuo. He is actually the son of Chinese (R.O.C) (the good one, not-communist China) ruler Chiang Kai-shek. Needless to say that he was not sworn in, nor served during the war as a German. But he did study in German academy pre World War 2. The lanyard shown on the picture was for “Marksmanship” (means he was a good rifleman and probably won in some academy competition).
It’s kind of sad that for someone who served 60 years in R.O.C. been associate wit Nazi for 3 years of academy training.
Side note, during the war, he was invited to US and give lectures for German tactics.
The “race-defilement” laws prohibited Aryans from marrying non-Aryans.
Specifically noted were Jews, Gypsies and Blacks.
There was not systematic genocide targeting Blacks (as there was targeting Jews and Roma), likely because Blacks made up a very small percentage of the population.
But Blacks in Germany were persecuted and were considered “degenerate” in legal terms.
Why would I answer you Stonely.
You’re just going to play your log-on, log-off downthumb game.
You just did it to every post I made today…
But I’ll answer you anyway.
The Nazi’s legally declared the Blacks “degenerate” and considered them a “defiling” race.
So they did “hate” them, and they did consider them “inferior”…
Not treated as equals…I’d consider that persecution.
But I’m sure your definition is different.
Now, downthumb away, Stonely.
You know you can’t help yourself……
Ok, but in what way were their every day lives effected by this? Were they put into concentration camps? Were they executed? Were their shop windows smashed? Looking for actual real persecution here, not just some mean words written in a book somewhere that no one cares about.
FTFA: “they were still considered an inferior race like most of the Slavs”.
Sounds like it had nothing to do with them being black and everything to do with them simply not being German. They were not singled out any differently than other non-German Caucasians in Europe. You’re argument falls flat right there, dude.
Meanwhile the Wikipedia article states “A number of blacks served in the Wehrmacht.” which backs up the image you are objecting to. Thanks!
Nice cherry picking.
So they were persecuted as much as the Slavs but not as much as the Jews or the Roma.
So not persecuted enough for you to consider them “persecuted”…?
Could you come up with a bigger BS argument than that…?
And those that served in the Wehrmacht were in North Africa…where the Germans were short of canon fodder and the natives likely weren’t aware of what was happening in Germany.
But thanks for playing.
Apologizing for Nazis can be a tricky business.
You can get butthurt all you want, but I satisfied the requirements of a successful rebuttal. Don’t go moving the goal posts just because you lost. Blacks weren’t treated any worse than non-German Caucasians, and there were in fact Blacks in Nazi German’s army.
“Contrary to popular belief the Nazis did not hate colored people, and never condsiderd colored people as “subhuman” and never had any plan to exterminate them”
I believe I have “satisfied” the criteria of the first two points.
On the third…technically, they never had a “plan to exterminate them”, but they did execute many, force sterilize many, and persecute many.
So two out of three…and the third one is a bit of a technicality.
You should really go back to school.
Or haven’t you finished yet?
This message brought to you by “The NAZIs aren’t so Bad Coalition, Local Chapter Number 612”.
Anne Frank and Hitler were involved in the world’s longest running game of hide and seek!
This is true. The Nazi’s were still evil bastards, but this is true. They only went after Jews, Homosexuals, Roma (Gypsies), and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Germany at the time (pre war 1939) was known world wide has the best military academy. People of all colors were able to join (given that has enough connection and resource).
The third Asian from the upper right was Chiang Wei-kuo. He is actually the son of Chinese (R.O.C) (the good one, not-communist China) ruler Chiang Kai-shek. Needless to say that he was not sworn in, nor served during the war as a German. But he did study in German academy pre World War 2. The lanyard shown on the picture was for “Marksmanship” (means he was a good rifleman and probably won in some academy competition).
It’s kind of sad that for someone who served 60 years in R.O.C. been associate wit Nazi for 3 years of academy training.
Side note, during the war, he was invited to US and give lectures for German tactics.
The “race-defilement” laws prohibited Aryans from marrying non-Aryans.
Specifically noted were Jews, Gypsies and Blacks.
There was not systematic genocide targeting Blacks (as there was targeting Jews and Roma), likely because Blacks made up a very small percentage of the population.
But Blacks in Germany were persecuted and were considered “degenerate” in legal terms.
It what way were Blacks persecuted in Nazi Germany?
Why would I answer you Stonely.
You’re just going to play your log-on, log-off downthumb game.
You just did it to every post I made today…
But I’ll answer you anyway.
The Nazi’s legally declared the Blacks “degenerate” and considered them a “defiling” race.
So they did “hate” them, and they did consider them “inferior”…
Not treated as equals…I’d consider that persecution.
But I’m sure your definition is different.
Now, downthumb away, Stonely.
You know you can’t help yourself……
Ok, but in what way were their every day lives effected by this? Were they put into concentration camps? Were they executed? Were their shop windows smashed? Looking for actual real persecution here, not just some mean words written in a book somewhere that no one cares about.
Evidence of forced sterilization.
Interment at concentration camps.
Segregated, harsher treatment of black POWs.
But like I said…no official policy because there weren’t enough blacks in Germany to develop an official policy.
If you don’t like Wikipedia, then read the references at the bottom.
They’re verified.
But I really doubt you will.
Thanks for the downvote though buddy.
I know you can’t help yourself.
FTFA: “they were still considered an inferior race like most of the Slavs”.
Sounds like it had nothing to do with them being black and everything to do with them simply not being German. They were not singled out any differently than other non-German Caucasians in Europe. You’re argument falls flat right there, dude.
Meanwhile the Wikipedia article states “A number of blacks served in the Wehrmacht.” which backs up the image you are objecting to. Thanks!
Nice cherry picking.
So they were persecuted as much as the Slavs but not as much as the Jews or the Roma.
So not persecuted enough for you to consider them “persecuted”…?
Could you come up with a bigger BS argument than that…?
And those that served in the Wehrmacht were in North Africa…where the Germans were short of canon fodder and the natives likely weren’t aware of what was happening in Germany.
But thanks for playing.
Apologizing for Nazis can be a tricky business.
You can get butthurt all you want, but I satisfied the requirements of a successful rebuttal. Don’t go moving the goal posts just because you lost. Blacks weren’t treated any worse than non-German Caucasians, and there were in fact Blacks in Nazi German’s army.
Read the original post Stonely.
“Contrary to popular belief the Nazis did not hate colored people, and never condsiderd colored people as “subhuman” and never had any plan to exterminate them”
I believe I have “satisfied” the criteria of the first two points.
On the third…technically, they never had a “plan to exterminate them”, but they did execute many, force sterilize many, and persecute many.
So two out of three…and the third one is a bit of a technicality.
Thanks for playing.
I’d be interested to know where you got that quote from?
Where did I get that quote…?
How fucking stupid are you?
From the pictures of Nazis on the original post!
Right below the pictures and right before “These are the facts”
Can you read….?
Seriously….to call you a moron is an insult to morons…
No wonder you log in with multiple IPs to downvote me.
It must be so embarrassing to be you.
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Right, it’s not something I said. Glad you realize that. Not quite sure why you were using it against me though. Can you please explain?
You replied to my comment, moron.
I was talking about the post right from the beginning.
What did you think I was commenting on…?
It’s pretty obvious you don’t even know what you’re commenting on.
Stop stalking me Stonely.
You’re just embarrassing yourself.
No I specifically asked you in what way were Blacks persecuted in Germany.