The FedEx Delivery Dance ?
Added on May 15th, 2014 by storminator | Report Post
Tags:Animated Images, Casemods, Dancing, Humor, Weird, WTF
Tags:Animated Images, Casemods, Dancing, Humor, Weird, WTF
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It must suck to be a performer on a children’s show now that the internet can capture every stupid outfit you had to wear and stupid dance you had to perform.
Probably not. I bet the money was good. He has a good sense of humor about things, and is a creative dude.
No. It sucks to sell paper clips and mining supplies. It sucks to be a roofer in July. It sucks to pack brake parts on a production line.
That dude’s worst day is when they mess up his coffee order at lunch. He’s doing absolutely ok.
The guy got paid more than most people ever make to play with puppets and act like a goof.
And kids love him.
Very cool, very decent guy.
That was worth the time to watch the whole thing.