this was always going to happen.
Bucky is going to replace him. 🙂
Any bets on how many weeks he will take to revive?
I can’t bring myself to care if a super hero dies anymore, try amputating a leg.
john stewart lost both his legs but kyle whipped him up some new ones with his ring…thats some bullshit right there.
So he walks around with glowing green force-glass legs or what?
For a while Kyle Rayner was practically god, so I think I remember them being actual legs.
That’s not as cool. What would be cool is if he had to stick his toes into a lantern and swear an oath to keep his legs going.
And if he stepped on a yellow-painted curb or a puddle of dog piss or something his legs would suddenly disappear.
Nobody stays dead in comics.
That said, it’s difficult to get pissed off about it. This sort of this has been going since Jesus, at least.
There’s a Jesus comic????? Oh, you mean The Illustrated Bible?
this was always going to happen.
Bucky is going to replace him. 🙂
Any bets on how many weeks he will take to revive?
I can’t bring myself to care if a super hero dies anymore, try amputating a leg.
john stewart lost both his legs but kyle whipped him up some new ones with his ring…thats some bullshit right there.
So he walks around with glowing green force-glass legs or what?
For a while Kyle Rayner was practically god, so I think I remember them being actual legs.
That’s not as cool. What would be cool is if he had to stick his toes into a lantern and swear an oath to keep his legs going.
And if he stepped on a yellow-painted curb or a puddle of dog piss or something his legs would suddenly disappear.
Nobody stays dead in comics.
That said, it’s difficult to get pissed off about it. This sort of this has been going since Jesus, at least.
There’s a Jesus comic?????
Oh, you mean The Illustrated Bible?