jla vs avengers
Added on April 24th, 2014 by beenridin | Report Post
Tags:Aquaman, Batman, Black Widow, Captain America, Comic Books, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Superman, The Flash, The Incredible Hulk, Wonder Woman
Tags:Aquaman, Batman, Black Widow, Captain America, Comic Books, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Superman, The Flash, The Incredible Hulk, Wonder Woman
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Let the Avengers enlist Squirrel Girl, and there’s no contest….
..all right. match ups:
Superman vs Hulk
Wonder Woman vs Thor
Batman vs Captain America
Aquaman vs Black Widow
Green Lantern vs Iron Man
…then that leaves Flash vs Hawkeye. literally over in one second, Flash helps Aquaman, then they help Batman, ect.ect.
winner: JLA
There was an old Marvel vs. DC Comic where they had most of these Match-Ups. If I remember correctly in the end it was a stalemate, half of the dc and half of marvel won.
On your match ups i would say most of these would go to JLA and some would be quite balanced.
Superman >> Hulk (same Strenght, but Superman would simply win through the flight advantage and other abilities)
Wonder Woman > Black Widow (Superhuman vs. normal Human, no contest)
Green Lantern = Iron Man (I would say this would go to Green Lantern powerwise, but Iron Man is a Genious and as soon as he find out the yellow disadvantage he would win)
Flash >> Hawkeye (Superhuman vs. normal Human)
You left out Aquaman. Or is that because he gets left behind?
Except that the DC universe heroes are almost universally morons (except Batman, who just hamstrings himself by his psychopathy), while the Marvel heroes are simply emotionally maladjusted. That plus the Marvel heroes would use lethal force.
There was a whole series of comics that did this, then they released a car set, which I scanned in: www.comiccovers.com/image.php?dir=Dc%20Vs%20Marvel%201995%20%5BFleer-%20Skybox%5D%20Card%20Set