careful with this…if you dis the 3rd world and their ideas and ideals when it comes to women being property and less than what a man is can get you into hot water…unless they are members of NOW…
now THERE is a good question for ya…members of NOW are generally liberal/democrat…and we know that libs/dems have a tendency to be hands off when it comes to religion other than Christianity/Judaism…so…when a member of NOW sees things like this…do their heads explode from the contradiction that this causes?
just to make sure we are clear here…I am a conservative, believe that women are just as good as a man, folks can get married to whomever the hell they want, folks that need help should get it (but if you are gaming the system then your ass needs to go to jail), and yeah weed should be legal across the board across the USA, everyone is “colored” and shouldn’t be held higher than another “color”, and lastly don’t fuck with my damn guns because I like to collect them and they are secured properly and safely.
I am sure I still offended someone but hey…sack up and let it go. 😐
As long as the dark skinned folk understand that the celebration gravy train/pity party is over then ya I agree 100%.
And ya this stuff happens in other countries so go whine to them about it not us.
Hell George Bush put that AIDS prevention program in Africa and saved millions of lives and not even a damned thank you because people are still crying over their misunderstanding of their county’s behavior thanks to propaganda like CNN. So why bother?
Liberals/socialistfuckwits/losers should be clear when they whine that they’re really at the end of the day just throwing a hissy fit to get something they want and otherwise can’t get.
Your whole last paragraph pretty much sums up whats wrong with this “them vs us” mind set of American politics now. The average person sits in the center, generally leaning just slightly towards one side. This “stupid lib”/”crazy cons” is for the reality tv and “I know WWF wrestling is real” crowd, its all over dramatized bullshit made to mislead the masses while they unanimously come together to protect their own interests. Don’t believe me?
To control is to have power. By instigating the “us versus them” mind set in any given population is an old stratagem known as Divide and Conquer. The tactical approach can easily equate to a portion of society or as a whole nation. In the USA, its the banks and corporations that have the control. If one follows funding, the two dominating political parties in this country all get fed by the same beasts. The true division is universal and its greed vs. compassion.
“Women do 66% of the world’s work and own 1% of the world’s property.” That is a thoroughly debunked lie made up by a radical feminist, it makes me want to question the rest of the “statistics”. In most of the western world men actually work a lot more than women, even when counting both housework and paid work all together, I haven’t seen any research on the rest of the world’s workforce but I think it is safe to say that women aren’t capable of working twice as much as men do considering the long work hours in the poor countries.
Will the real AlecDalek please stand up! Oh, that’s me.
careful with this…if you dis the 3rd world and their ideas and ideals when it comes to women being property and less than what a man is can get you into hot water…unless they are members of NOW…
now THERE is a good question for ya…members of NOW are generally liberal/democrat…and we know that libs/dems have a tendency to be hands off when it comes to religion other than Christianity/Judaism…so…when a member of NOW sees things like this…do their heads explode from the contradiction that this causes?
just to make sure we are clear here…I am a conservative, believe that women are just as good as a man, folks can get married to whomever the hell they want, folks that need help should get it (but if you are gaming the system then your ass needs to go to jail), and yeah weed should be legal across the board across the USA, everyone is “colored” and shouldn’t be held higher than another “color”, and lastly don’t fuck with my damn guns because I like to collect them and they are secured properly and safely.
I am sure I still offended someone but hey…sack up and let it go. 😐
As long as the dark skinned folk understand that the celebration gravy train/pity party is over then ya I agree 100%.
And ya this stuff happens in other countries so go whine to them about it not us.
Hell George Bush put that AIDS prevention program in Africa and saved millions of lives and not even a damned thank you because people are still crying over their misunderstanding of their county’s behavior thanks to propaganda like CNN. So why bother?
Liberals/socialistfuckwits/losers should be clear when they whine that they’re really at the end of the day just throwing a hissy fit to get something they want and otherwise can’t get.
You’re right, everyone else is a bunch >Liberals/socialistfuckwits/losers
That’s why you have to keep complaining about it.
Your whole last paragraph pretty much sums up whats wrong with this “them vs us” mind set of American politics now. The average person sits in the center, generally leaning just slightly towards one side. This “stupid lib”/”crazy cons” is for the reality tv and “I know WWF wrestling is real” crowd, its all over dramatized bullshit made to mislead the masses while they unanimously come together to protect their own interests. Don’t believe me?
To control is to have power. By instigating the “us versus them” mind set in any given population is an old stratagem known as Divide and Conquer. The tactical approach can easily equate to a portion of society or as a whole nation. In the USA, its the banks and corporations that have the control. If one follows funding, the two dominating political parties in this country all get fed by the same beasts. The true division is universal and its greed vs. compassion.
“Women do 66% of the world’s work and own 1% of the world’s property.” That is a thoroughly debunked lie made up by a radical feminist, it makes me want to question the rest of the “statistics”. In most of the western world men actually work a lot more than women, even when counting both housework and paid work all together, I haven’t seen any research on the rest of the world’s workforce but I think it is safe to say that women aren’t capable of working twice as much as men do considering the long work hours in the poor countries.