Close Call
Added on February 22nd, 2014 by storminator | Report Post
Tags:Animated Images, Cars, close call, Helicopters, Motorcycles, Oops, Transportation, WTF
Tags:Animated Images, Cars, close call, Helicopters, Motorcycles, Oops, Transportation, WTF
See, @storminator gets it. Boobs and cars. That’s what the people want to see. Leave the feminism and homosexuality to the children over on Tumblr. Also, fuck @AlecDalek. You heard me!
But YOU’RE AlekDalek. Or do you really imagine you’ve fooled anyone…?
Whatever you say @grouprape.
You obviously weren’t here for the long standing rivalry between Maggie and me.
The one where you argued with yourself month after month in some kind of schizoid Gollumesque performance art? Yeah, that was really something.
I don’t remember you being here in 2007.
I post more than just boobs and cars. I also post photos of asses and motorcycles.
My man!
So you think storminators a keeper eh? I hate to break it to you, but hes hetro dude.
/sadface I hope you find nice guy sooner so you can settle down.
Again with the using homosexuality as an insult. You are a bigot.
Dude seriously? You attack anyone that stands up for women’s rights, but get all defensive when homosexuality is mentioned, and start bandying the word bigot about.
It doesn’t take a genius to do the math here now does it?