Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Added on February 19th, 2014 by rdeckard | Report Post
Tags:Frank Miller, Movie Posters, Movies, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Tags:Frank Miller, Movie Posters, Movies, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
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I notice Clive Owen is absent…I wonder how they’re going to [SPOILER EDIT]
This story takes place before The Big Fat Kill story from the first movie, and between them, Clive’s character Dwight has plastic surgery that changes his appearance, something referenced in the first movie when Shellie (Brittany Murphy) talks about him showing up “with that new face of his” or something like that. So, pre-surgery Dwight will be played by Josh Brolin. Hope that clears things up.
Will Miller’s batshit-crazy girlfriend be in this one?
Smeared feces, smashed printer with a hammer & left used tampons at the workstation…?!?
When’s the wedding?
Who do they have playing Manute? Duncan is dead.