Added on January 24th, 2014 by rdeckard | Report Post
Tags:Art, Batman, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Movie Posters, Tim Burton
Tags:Art, Batman, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Movie Posters, Tim Burton
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I will never forget seeing this premier night — movie aside, we watched the sequence with the Batwing™ and the balloons, and as it flew up through the clouds, and stopped just in front of the moon to make this (the Bat Symbol™), the guy in front of me said, “oh, I’m so sure” — as in, he could accept the entire rest of the film as plausible, but the Batwing™ pausing in front of the moon; that was ridiculous.
Sorry for all the trademarks; kind of an in-joke from the time — everything had the Bat logo on it around then, and on every one there was that big “TM” next to it. Got in the habit of typing a ™ after every use.