Phil Robertson for President!

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Let’s hope he runs in 2016

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    When you misunderstand what’s written in the bible- you might be ignorant.


    Unfortunately, I don’t think that he has. There’s some clear cut stuff in there about what not to do, and homosexuality is on the list (right in there with getting tattoos, eating fat, and eating shellfish).

    I think what’s ignorant is clinging to one part of it and not another. We’ve gotten past crab meat being a sin. The Catholics are cool with alcohol in the Church. Women can wear jewelry. Divorce. Pork. Cheeseburgers. All gone.

    If one is absolutely the word of God and the rest are up for debate, either admit it’s all stupid and that you just think dicks in butts are icky, or go along with the whole thing and stop wearing clothing of different fabric types at the same time.

    On the bright side, at least for the purposes of the show, the Duck Dynasty boys are holding to Leviticus 19:27, and not trimming the edges of their beards.


    If you’re Christian, you don’t have to follow the law of Moses (Jesus says as much). But the stuff about homosexuality is in BOTH the old and new testament. So Phil is still correct.


    Did Christ not claim that the Law of Moses would last until heaven and earth disappear?


    [Citation needed]


    Perhaps he was pointing to the fact that the Jews would reject him and continue to follow the law. He’s not wrong.


    Google “Plato’s fork.”


    No no no…the GOOGLE THIS of the month has been “No True Scotsman”. Where’ve you been?


    “Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”

    “It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.”


    Fulfill, as in the Old Testament spoke of the coming of a messiah that would replace the law with a new one. It’s the reason Christians don’t have to make animal sacrifices, for example.

    Dyon 86

    We stopped animal sacrifices? When? No one told me!


    Wrong. When you “misunderstand” what’s written in the bible – a new denomination might be born.


    The Bible DOES say homosexuality is a sin. What are you saying he’s misunderstood?


    He reads the Bible literally and doesn’t look to others to interpret it. That doesn’t make him ignorant as he seems to be up on the literal reading of the Bible.

    What it does mean, however, he doesn’t care how other people interpret it. He’s not a cut and paste, feel good believer.

    Some people find that offensive, but he doesn’t care about that either.


    I’m just proud to say that I’m not a redneck or religious hypocrite since I pretty much know nothing of him sharing his personal opinion out of a book that so many base there lives around.


    I won’t argue the redneck part as he’s proud of that fact, but I do wonder what you find hypocritical about him?


    Sorry about that. Come from a real uber religious family of Jehovah’s witness’s. Meant towards more of my growing up experience, as telling people what to do and say, but not following through with themselves. If that makes sense. But thanks for asking dallasice, other then just slamming. Your socratic method well played. 😉


    I’ll argue the redneck part. There are pictures of the family before they started the show, clean-shaven and looking quite yuppie.

    Pretending to be a redneck is a good way to make money. Ask Daniel Lawrence Whitney.


    Is it still okay to be offended by the other stupid shit he said? E.g., pre-Civil Rights black people didn’t have it that bad, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they weren’t enlightened by Jesus, men should marry 15-year-old girls, etc.

    Just checking.


    Even if it wasn’t in the constitution, cause I’m not turning my opinion into that type of discussion. That’s just his opinion, his right and people who agreed with it are already following that type of lifestyle and thought. To think he started an epidemic is ridiculous. If you want to point fingers, or more realistically try to fix this type of ignorance. You should be focusing on the producers for airing that and the mass media for constantly covering it. But that was just his opinion, and though it offended a lot to most, we all have that right to say what we feel and think. Looking at him and from what I’ve seen from the few commercials, again, what I’ve personally seen.. How could you not be surprised? This is reality t.v. (supposedly) and if it seriously offended you that bad, stop watching his show and stop talking about it. Hell, write, e-mail or whatever the people who put his on the air. How about showing some intuitive and try something different. If people just saw it for what it was, which we all do believe or not, an ignorant man still living the old ways with not much of an education towards humanity, it would be no surprise. All this is accomplishing is us shooting ourselves in the foot through censorship. Then we blame the government. Let it go and move on. We’re all better then this.


    Intolerant to intolerance then….?


    Personally, I don’t care any which way. People are each allowed their opinions whether or not it jives with mine.

    But, as a Christian, I say it’s also important to remember that the Bible is a collection of (often oral) stories, typically recorded many many years/decades/centuries later, which were carefully chosen, edited, interpreted and colored with the flavor of the writer and the times.

    Ever play the game telephone?

    What am I saying? I guess it’s not to take everything for rote.

    Dyon 86

    Well said,
    the problem is that most of merica is made up of God fearing people, “God bless America”, “In God we trust” etc,
    some of these people become politicians and pass laws for the whole country based on what the Bible says!

    As you correctly pointed out about the bible is a collection of carefully edited and chosen stories etc,
    this is now fully acknowledged by Christian scholars, to me this is NOT “the Word of God” to be taken literally but a book wrote by people advising how to live your life.

    I think we can all agree that killing, stealing and motherf**king is a bad idea,
    I can understand how people will have different ideas about homosexuality, abortion and divorce but I don’t think laws should be passed on these subjects based on a book which is sometimes batshit crazy – having sex with your mother (Cain and Abel I looking at you guys!) and don’t get me started on figs (Jesus really hated figs!).

    People need to decide if the Bible is to be taken so literally, if yes, then they haven’t really studied it, if yes, then you can’t just pick and choose some bits
    and ignore others. If you don’t think parts of the Bible are a little weird the listen to the podcast “the scathing atheist” which really puts the whole book into perspective, very funny but also accurate.

    So yea, like it or hate it, ignore it, disagree with it, say what you like about it, just remember some of your Politicians believe in it and will be passing laws based on what the Bible says about homosexuality, abortion, divorce, education, evolution, creation, stoning women, trimming beards and discrimination against certain fruits.


    The bible is bullshit anyway who cares gives a shit what it says about homosexuality.


    Oops typos, but you get the point.


    PLEASE, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease run. The lulz will be epic!


    Quote from the bible all you like, but be prepared to be called out if the verse you’re quoting is bigoted.

    That’s about a 50/50 chance with that book. 70% chance if you quote the Quran.


    If you get offended when someone quotes from a book of fiction and passes it off as reality… might just have a brain…..


    “Quote from the bible all you like, but be prepared to be called out if the verse you’re quoting is thought to be bigoted by someone.

    That’s about a 100% chance with that book. 100% chance if you quote the Quran, too.”

    Fixed that for you.


    The day everyone stops believing in this nonsensical bullshit the better off we will all be. Heres something interesting for all the zealots in the house.

    Get angry with me if you like, but I am not the one that lied to you.

    Dyon 86

    ah yes but those other ones are not real!! … wait …oh


    Ya the day everyone refutes biblical texts things will get better like in the dark ages you fucking retard.

    The only reason most people are even around is the morality taught by Christ. Otherwise people like you wouldn’t have lasted. You’d have been enslaved and killed off.

    You are a moron.


    The dark ages refers to a time in European history where Christianity WAS the dominant religion.

    Christians largely ignore Christ’s morality anyhow, they tend to refer to a subset of commandments given in the Old Testament, but virtually none follow Christ’s doctrines of complete pacifism, acceptance of those hated/mistrusted/rejected by society, and the total rejection of wealth.
    The morals that Christians ACTUALLY follow (and the laws that people falsely claim are based on Christian values) are virtually the same as those followed by the vast majority of cultures across the world, including those that have never been Christian, and those that pre-date Christianity and even Judaism.

    As for being enslaved, Christ never spoke against slavery, but the Old and New Testaments both give instructions to slaves that they should obey their masters. Christian slave owners certainly pointed to the Bible as evidence that slavery was moral when others were trying to end slavery in the US.

    Dyon 86

    well said that man!


    I must be a moron for not believing in something there is no evidence to support. You know according to your good book it’s not super Christ like to sit in judgement of others. The crusades were a super nonviolent and moral period of time. I guess that’s because the crusades were fought in the name of God. Wars fought in the name of religion have plagued civilization since the people in power started using religion to menipate the population. You know I would hope that civilizations would have progressed a little since the dark ages. At least enough to be able to find morality on their own without the threat of eternal damnation. When people are willing to fight over religion and sit in judgement of others we will never advance as a people. Organized religion is an supremely corrupt thing. It has historically been used to control and enslave.
    I have a loving family and a group of amazing people I am privileged to call friends. I do not lie, cheat, or steal. I don’t judge others for the way they live their own lives as long is they are not hurting themselves or others. I don’t do it because a book tells me it’s the right thing to do, but because deep down I know it’s right and helps make the world a better place to live for me and others. I don’t not believe there is a god. I wish I could just believe blindly. It would be comforting. I do envy it in fact. I just wish I could have an experience that would definitively prove it to me. That’s all. The bible has a lot of wonderful teachings. It’s a same most Christians have such a hard time living in accordance with a lot of it’s teachings. Instead the pick and choose what is convenient for them.

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