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    You do realize the irony that this is basically whining as well, right? Just making sure that the person calling someone else out on behavior realizes how their own behavior mimics it.


    wrong, this isn’t whining , it’s a creative way of saying shut the fuck up

    Nelson Mandela was a terrorist piece of nigger shit

    That’s totally untrue and you’re obviously a butthurt all butthurt because you feel slighted by this observation of reality. Or did you think people cared about your stupid causes loooooooooooooooooooool

    As far as you know, I have no causes. I did exactly one thing–point out a hypocrisy. I did so very close to neutral (i.e. as best that I can). I ask you sir, what is your “butthurt” that inspires this attack?


    Criticizing us for noticing radicalism only allows the radicals to continue without ever being called on their bullshit. Feminism is a toxic ideology that needs to die.


    Who are the radicals and do you have an argument about how they are wrong, or are we just putting up strawman arguments?


    StrawPERSON you sexist cunt.




    clinton is just the dumbest of the cunts


    Don’t be sexist. Bitches really hate that.


    Best sex I ever had was with a feminist.
    Chicks get hot after a take back the night vigil….


    I had sex with a Feminist last night. She said she’d call me today to tell me if she’s decided it was rape or not.


    I had sex with a Feminist last night. She said she’d call me today to tell me if she’s decided it was rape or not.


    Based on your post, my guess is a feminist wouldn’t go near you.
    So either you’re lying, or it was rape….
    Which was it?


    Perfect . . .


    Should be titled “Liberals”


    only as much as it should be called republican


    Yeah, because you never hear conservatives complaining. No siree Bob!


    It’s understandable to conservatives to complain when liberals have the power. What’s truly sad and pathetic is when liberals are in power AND they complain and whine and moan.


    Its a character trait.
    Liberals think for themselves.
    Conservatives do what their told…..


    Yeah… that’s true.

    Even their own leader, House Speaker Boner, has been nick-named the “cry-baby”; the guy throws a little hissy-fit at the drop of a hat… er… never mind… he’s a Republican.


    Lot of people in this thread think feminism is misandry.


    The general public is waking up to the fact that Feminism is misandry.


    1992 called, they want their even-then out-dated logic back.





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