Got my hands on a copy. Watched it last night. Essentially it’s a mumble-core It Happened One Night with a light sprinkling of monsters. I spent most of it boggling at what he’d managed to achieve on such a miniscule budget. He won’t be doing the effects for Godzilla on his laptop. The creature design is excellent and one of the best scenes is where we get a really good look at two of them. It inspires awe and is really rather beautiful. Slight problem with the leads. Despite the fact they’re a real life couple, any chemistry between them doesn’t really register on screen. This is a common problem. Pairing up couples seems to work when they’re actually in the process of falling in love during the making of the film. Eg – Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in the Spiderman reboot. The ending seemed abrupt but then I realised that I hadn’t fully taken in the very first scene so I re-watched it. F***ing hell! To conclude – “QUACK QUACK QUACK. WOOF WOOF.”
I’ll be interested to see what they do with the sequel.
11 years ago
Helluva good movie. One of my favorite flicks, and I’m not a big fan of monster movies (generally speaking).
11 years ago
if you watch this, pay really close attention to the beginning of the movie. After the film has ended, go back and watch the beginning again. Mind = blown.
11 years ago
Never seen it!. Just ordered and can’t wait.
How hard of an “R” is this? Suitable for your average 14 year old male? Ratings mean squat nowadays. I trust opinion better.
I don’t recall anything in it that would make it pg-13 much less R.
11 years ago
It’s a good movie. Good acting, believable terror and risk. But basically, it’s the story of the drug war in northern Mexico. I think that it’s rated “R” because of brief scene with a Mexican hooker.
My beef with it is the really shitty geography. Did you know that there’s jungle in Northern Mexico and you can see Texas from the tops of Mayan Pyramids? No? Neither did I… and I have degrees in Archaeology and Geography.
I saw the same film. This is in a classic tradition of sci-fi as an analog for current events. Recall the map of the quarantine zone? That’s the area where the current Mexican drug lords hold control. The theme of a foreign entity making a large section of country off-limits? Aliens = drug lords? The US border fence?
Heard this was fantastic. Never got round to seeing it. Must remedy that.
Yes do so, and leave your comments.
Got my hands on a copy. Watched it last night. Essentially it’s a mumble-core It Happened One Night with a light sprinkling of monsters. I spent most of it boggling at what he’d managed to achieve on such a miniscule budget. He won’t be doing the effects for Godzilla on his laptop. The creature design is excellent and one of the best scenes is where we get a really good look at two of them. It inspires awe and is really rather beautiful. Slight problem with the leads. Despite the fact they’re a real life couple, any chemistry between them doesn’t really register on screen. This is a common problem. Pairing up couples seems to work when they’re actually in the process of falling in love during the making of the film. Eg – Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in the Spiderman reboot. The ending seemed abrupt but then I realised that I hadn’t fully taken in the very first scene so I re-watched it. F***ing hell! To conclude – “QUACK QUACK QUACK. WOOF WOOF.”
“QUACK QUACK QUACK. WOOF WOOF.” Indeed. One of my favorite scenes in the movie.
Thank you for your comments. I’m glad you liked the movie.
Can’t wait to see what Edwards does with Godzilla.
I’ll be interested to see what they do with the sequel.
Helluva good movie. One of my favorite flicks, and I’m not a big fan of monster movies (generally speaking).
if you watch this, pay really close attention to the beginning of the movie. After the film has ended, go back and watch the beginning again. Mind = blown.
Never seen it!. Just ordered and can’t wait.
How hard of an “R” is this? Suitable for your average 14 year old male? Ratings mean squat nowadays. I trust opinion better.
I don’t recall anything in it that would make it pg-13 much less R.
It’s a good movie. Good acting, believable terror and risk. But basically, it’s the story of the drug war in northern Mexico. I think that it’s rated “R” because of brief scene with a Mexican hooker.
My beef with it is the really shitty geography. Did you know that there’s jungle in Northern Mexico and you can see Texas from the tops of Mayan Pyramids? No? Neither did I… and I have degrees in Archaeology and Geography.
Drug war? Did you see the same movie as I did? it was about monsters or some freaky shit like that. didn’t remember seeing any drugs.
I saw the same film. This is in a classic tradition of sci-fi as an analog for current events. Recall the map of the quarantine zone? That’s the area where the current Mexican drug lords hold control. The theme of a foreign entity making a large section of country off-limits? Aliens = drug lords? The US border fence?
well shit, I never picked up on that.