Who is this?
^ What he said. Or what she said. Whatever.
after digging through 127 pages of a latex fetish tumblr i’ve found it to be a model by the name of Dani Divine
thank you for your sacrifice, it must have been terrible.
No bother at all, oh it was unbearable, but these are the lengths I’ll go to :D. now back to that tumblr for .. em .. research. yes research, That’s what it is.
Who is this?
^ What he said. Or what she said. Whatever.
after digging through 127 pages of a latex fetish tumblr i’ve found it to be a model by the name of Dani Divine
thank you for your sacrifice, it must have been terrible.
No bother at all, oh it was unbearable, but these are the lengths I’ll go to :D. now back to that tumblr for .. em .. research. yes research, That’s what it is.