Hi. I’m an ordinary, brainless model. They just handed me this book & put glasses on my face and told me to smile. Not sure why, but I’m getting paid thousands for this which I’ll probably spend on breast implants, collagen injections, botox, and cocaine.
Hi. I’m an ordinary, brainless model. They just handed me this book & put glasses on my face and told me to smile. Not sure why, but I’m getting paid thousands for this which I’ll probably spend on breast implants, collagen injections, botox, and cocaine.
cool troll bro
I’d check her out, ifyouknowwhatimean.
I like her stacks.
Is her name Paige?
(yep, bad bad puns)
still better than the first comment
She’s all smiles now, but just wait until she hits the periodicals.