what it’s saying is that if you blow a .08, you times that by 100 and that’s how many bacon strips you should eat.
In this cast, 8.
.08 is the official drunk driving limit I think, so that’s why I used that as an example. if you’re way past that and blow a 1.7, then you should eat 17 stripes of bacon, which I pretty hard to do, but still possible
Might want to check your math on #10 before you set those in stone.
If you believe strong enough, if you have faith – it doesn’t matter if there appears to be 12. Bacon God says there are 10 so it must be so.
I mean taking your BAC and dividing it by 100, even past multiple amounts of enough to kill you, or an elephant, wouldn’t amount to 1 piece of bacon.
what it’s saying is that if you blow a .08, you times that by 100 and that’s how many bacon strips you should eat.
In this cast, 8.
.08 is the official drunk driving limit I think, so that’s why I used that as an example. if you’re way past that and blow a 1.7, then you should eat 17 stripes of bacon, which I pretty hard to do, but still possible