Driving in Russia
Added on September 13th, 2013 by storminator | Report Post
Tags:Animated Images, Cars, Motorcycles, Russia, Transportation, Trucks
Tags:Animated Images, Cars, Motorcycles, Russia, Transportation, Trucks
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I watch these sometimes on YouTube. I know we have dumbfuck drivers here in the USA; plenty of them. But I swear I watch these Russian dashcam vids and have to wonder if all these people only just got a car in the last generation.
….and they lived happily ever after. 🙂
You missed the one where the plane crashes and debris rolls right over the highway…
That was the best one…
It has to be said, ice/snow seems to be a frequent factor in these videos. But more than anything I think it’s just that they have the cameras running and capture it. If you did the same in the US or most any country I think you’d get similar video collections.
Actually, no. Russia is notorious for having crazy ass shit happen on highways and roads. The reason there ARE so many videos like this is because the problem is so bad that people just keep cameras running whenever they drive, to show how things went down in case something happens and they need to prove it wasn’t their fault. A lot of people try to cause accidents, even, for insurance money. Or something like that.
Then there’s this scooter driver:
Hits car….then car….then scooter….then truck….then drives into a sewer hole…..