25 common phrases that you’re saying wrong

25 common phrases that you're saying wrong.jpg

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    Fracking grandma nazis.


    i see what you did there….


    so I wonder what they would do with “Irregardlessly”




    not sure,i’ll ax


    It’s not a phrase I ever use, but I had no idea it was “another thinK coming”.

    Somewhat confirmed: http://grammarist.com/usage/another-think-coming/


    Likewise, I doubt that anyone ever calls Alzheimers disease ‘old timer’s disease’ unless they think that they are being funny.


    I did when I was like, seven, for obvious reasons.


    Yeah me either; I had to go look it up to confirm as well.


    still think that one could go either way depending on who’s saying it


    Irregardless is a word, it just means the same thing as regardless, so it’s superfluous.


    just because it’s a word doesn’t mean that it’s correct.

    Professor Ratbaggy

    Irregardless is not a word.  It is a combination of the synonyms irrespective and regardless, and it’s just plain wrong.


    however Twerk, YOLO, and Swag are…check newest Merriam-Webster…


    Flammable / Inflammable…?

    Professor Ratbaggy

    Both are correct in modern usage.  The original, inflammable, means “able to be inflamed” — inflame means, literally, to set on fire.  Flammable was not originally a legitimate word, but is a back construction from inflammable, presumable due to a misunderstanding of the prefix “in-” which, in this case, does not indicate a negative.


    Certified Grammar Nazi that I am, the only thing I have a problem with on this list is the “sorta vs sort of”. It’s clearly a shortening, like “wanna” or “oughta”, and not an outright misuse.

    I’m a little surprised that the near-constant misuse of the word “literally” didn’t make the list, but explaining how/why it’s so badly abused probably would’ve taken up too much space.


    Last I heard the word literally does no longer exclusively retain the meaning you’re thinking of but can also be used for emphasis.

    This is what I got from google:


    1. In a literal manner or sense; exactly: “the driver took it literally when asked to go straight over the traffic circle”.
    2. Used to acknowledge that something is not literally true but is used for emphasis or to express strong feeling.

    tiki god

    that definition is so full of fucking bullshit that it makes my ass explode with righteous anger.




    too good


    when the stupid are the majority , you have to adjust rules for them at times


    This is stupid. It says “phrases you’re SAYING wrong.”

    phase and faze are homonyms, as are scott and scot.

    therefore, saying them wrong is irrelevant.


    no, faze is a slang spelling of phrase, commonly done for street cred for not passing second grade,… scott is a name, while scot means a tax,bill or payment due, therefore meaning to get off scot free means you didn’t have to pay. you are exactly the person this chart was made for. please study it and use your computer for more than just masturbation:)

    Professor Ratbaggy

    Faze is not a slang spelling of phrase, and has nothing to do with sentence structure.  It is a legitimate word, and it means “disturb the composure of.”


    as in ” it didn’t phase me at all” , just because slang spelling is popular doesn’t mean its correct.

    Professor Ratbaggy

    No, “phase” is a different word — it means “Any distinct time period in a sequence of events” or “a distinct state of matter in a system” or “A particular point in the time of a cycle.”  As a verb, it means “Arrange in phases or stages” or “Adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition.”

    Faze, on the other hand, means to disturb or upset.

    I’m pretty sure when you say something “didn’t faze you” you mean it didn’t disturb or upset you rather than it didn’t arrange you in stages or synchronise you.

    They are two different words with two different meanings, and their spellings are different as well.  Faze is not a slang spelling of phase;  it’s a different, distinct word.



    “I could care less” is a legitimate retort. It is designed to be said with dripping sarcasm, fucking *obviously.*

    Saying I couldn’t care less is just stating your lack of investment. Not nearly as much punch.


    “I could care less” implies that you do however care


    Who the hell says “Nip it in the butt”?


    buttnippers , thats who


    i never say, nor write, any of these… but then again, i actually paid attention in my 2nd grade grammar class. 8/


    What makes something correct or incorrect in English? Basically, there’s no official body that decides what’s good English. Instead, random people sort of decide what is good without necessarily having any kind of authority, and then you get a general consensus, sort of. The loose, unmeasured general consensus of a bunch of random bored people is a ridiculous thing to be pedantic about.

    But I’ll tell you one thing that shouldn’t be the measure of good English: historical usage. If older is better then we should all be talking like ” Her Cynewulf benam Sigebryht his rices ond Westseaxna wiotan for unryhtum daedum, buton Hamtunscire; ond he haefde þa oþ he ofslog þone aldormon þe him lengest wunode. Ond hiene þa Cynewulf on Andred adrsefde; ond he þæt hiene an swan ofstang æt Pryfetes flodan, — ond he wræc þone aldormon Cumbran. ”

    Trying to stop languages from changing is like trying to stop the sun from rising in the east. You can insist and fuss and insult all you want, but in the end you are still a willfully-blind idiot.


    we call those places schools, universities, colleges and such. do they not have them where you are from? no one said anything about stopping languages from changing , but saying things incorrectly can and will affect how people see and judge your intelligence. being well spoken is a skill many unfortunately lack in today’s society. grammar nazi powers activate!! 🙂


    1) Well-spoken has nothing to do with grammar. One thing that really bothers me about grammar-nazis is their complete inability to distinguish between grammar, style, word-choice, pronunciation, spelling, semantics and, most importantly, register, which are all entirely different beasts. I’ve known plenty of people who have relatively non-standard grammar, but they can still hit an upper register, which is far more important in how people perceive you. Trust me when I say that most grammar mistakes will not be noticed in the spoken language, but word choice, lack of regionalisms, etc. will have a major effect on how you are perceived.

    2) It’s hard to say anything is correct or incorrect when there is no proper standard for judging correctness, and most of the (generally self-proclaimed) experts rarely reach more than a 60% consensus. Ask ten grammar nazis what “passive voice” even means, and you will get wildly different replies.

    3) Some of the smartest-sounding people I’ve met had terrible grammar and terrible style, and depended heavily on editors/assistants chewing out the details. This is because I studied history, then got into IT, and from there into finance, mainly fields where knowledge and results trump silly debates about the etymology of “decimate” every time. The fact that students have time to worry about grammar means their subjects are too easy. The fact that adults do mean their jobs are too easy. And if people are seeing and judging your intelligence based on where your prepositions are, rather than the quality and value of your work, you probably need to consider doing something worthwhile with your life.


    like finance lol


    1) “Well-spoken has nothing to do with grammar”…duh, i was adding the grammar nazi comment for comic relief, as you might have noticed were you paying attention. 2) ” grammar mistakes will not be noticed in the spoken language”….duh, grammar has to to primarily with the written language so voice register has nothing to do with anything 3)”experts rarely reach more than a 60% consensus”…maybe at the schools you went to , but as far as the rest of the world ,yes they do agree, I would once again refer you to what we call colleges,universities,etc. 4) “The fact that students have time to worry about grammar”…its called learning, try it sometime. the saying is the “devil is in the details”…but I’m sure that doesn’t matter in “finance” after all you can always sink the economy. as stated by others most of us learned this stuff in 2nd and 3rd grade, but you must have been too busy in the financial world then,huh?

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