Was finally able to get out to the range today and shot some paper, pretty much obliterated the red, though I was only 15 feet away.
Looking forward to trying out the 100 meter range with my saiga.
This little guy? I wouldn’t worry about this little guy.
I’m not trying to be a dick, but that is some god awful grouping. and at 15 feet away? oh boy
that’s like 100 rounds there though.
I was also standing on my head for a few of them.
What is Tiki’s weapon of choice?
looks like a 22 from here , wild guess I’d say ruger
Glock 17 and a Rock Island Armory 1911, both chambered in 9mm. To put the image size in perspective, that’s a 20 inch target on there.
lol….15 feet? How the hell did you hit anywhere BUT the red in the center?
It’s tiki. He was sober.
This little guy? I wouldn’t worry about this little guy.
I’m not trying to be a dick, but that is some god awful grouping. and at 15 feet away? oh boy
that’s like 100 rounds there though.
I was also standing on my head for a few of them.
What is Tiki’s weapon of choice?
looks like a 22 from here , wild guess I’d say ruger
Glock 17 and a Rock Island Armory 1911, both chambered in 9mm. To put the image size in perspective, that’s a 20 inch target on there.
lol….15 feet? How the hell did you hit anywhere BUT the red in the center?
It’s tiki. He was sober.