Yes! Because everyone knows that if you say anything even slightly negative about a group of people with more than 10 members, it’s clearly because you’re an evil racist monster.
Unless you’re insulting white people. Or rich people. In which case, just go ahead and knock yourself silly. Every bleeding-heart liberal (most of whom are white and/or rich) will think you’re a wonderful person.
Or god forbid that someone actually notices something that is a racial stereotype.
For example I have a friend who works at a fast food restaurant. He found it odd that a majority of the black customers would order “Orange Drank” and ask for extra “mayo-nasye.” He also found it odd that most the black and Latino customers spoke very poor English.
This observation was made by a black man from Trinidad working to help pay his tuition.
I don’t see why everyone was so worked up about this trial. A neighborhood watch guy sees a person dressed to conceal themselves at night in an area that has been repeatedly hit by burglaries and vandalism. He follows, calls the cops and is confronted by that same suspicious person. The person then physically attcks him, knocks him to the ground, straddles him (not at all attempting to get away or leave the situation) and starts beating his ass, including slamming his head against a concrete curbe. The person getting his ass beat, pulls out his lawfully carried (and permitted) gun, and kills his attacker.
Then Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton got involved because the f*cking punk who attacked the watch captain was black. BTW, if Treyvon had not died, he could have been charged with Felony Battery in the state of Florida as his attack on Zimmerman could have caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement by slamming Zimmermans head on the concrete curb.
There was no racial component to this case till the race baiters got involved and started the problem. This was never about race, it was about a punk high on weed, attacking another person without cause, and getting blown away. Maybe the punks in the future will think about this before attempting to beat someone’s ass, and ask themselves if their potential victim is packing.
Not guilty was the correct verdict and Treyvon got what he deserved!
He wasn’t “confronted by that person”. He left his car and *followed* the boy while threatening him.
There is only Zimmermans word on what happened before the shot. There’s conflicting statements from many witnesses that both support and completely contradict his account. The fact is, we don’t know if Zimmerman attacked and it was Trayvon who lashed out in self defense, or Zimmerman who was attacked and shot out of self defense.
I can tell you right now that if I saw a guy running after me, with a gun, I would do my best to beat the shit out of that person out of self defense. And seeing as Zimmerman had just told the police “These assholes always get away” before following Trayvon, while armed with a gun, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume he wasn’t just keeping a respectful distance and keeping a eye on the situation.
Yes! Because everyone knows that if you say anything even slightly negative about a group of people with more than 10 members, it’s clearly because you’re an evil racist monster.
Unless you’re insulting white people. Or rich people. In which case, just go ahead and knock yourself silly. Every bleeding-heart liberal (most of whom are white and/or rich) will think you’re a wonderful person.
And you know the Trayvon Martin case was self defense, sure.
Well wasn’t it? If you suckerpunch a guy you have to be ready for repercussions, which in this case was a bullet.
You live in a country where the gun is worth more than words, you have to think about it.
It’s funny because you are exactly the person this is directed at! God forbid you are asked to take a moment to ponder your subconscious motivations.
Hopefully you’ll feel less insecure after puberty.
Or god forbid that someone actually notices something that is a racial stereotype.
For example I have a friend who works at a fast food restaurant. He found it odd that a majority of the black customers would order “Orange Drank” and ask for extra “mayo-nasye.” He also found it odd that most the black and Latino customers spoke very poor English.
This observation was made by a black man from Trinidad working to help pay his tuition.
Nowadays you don’t even have to say negative stuff. It’s enough that you point out differences between races, nations etc.
Which is sad.
I don’t see why everyone was so worked up about this trial. A neighborhood watch guy sees a person dressed to conceal themselves at night in an area that has been repeatedly hit by burglaries and vandalism. He follows, calls the cops and is confronted by that same suspicious person. The person then physically attcks him, knocks him to the ground, straddles him (not at all attempting to get away or leave the situation) and starts beating his ass, including slamming his head against a concrete curbe. The person getting his ass beat, pulls out his lawfully carried (and permitted) gun, and kills his attacker.
Then Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton got involved because the f*cking punk who attacked the watch captain was black. BTW, if Treyvon had not died, he could have been charged with Felony Battery in the state of Florida as his attack on Zimmerman could have caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement by slamming Zimmermans head on the concrete curb.
There was no racial component to this case till the race baiters got involved and started the problem. This was never about race, it was about a punk high on weed, attacking another person without cause, and getting blown away. Maybe the punks in the future will think about this before attempting to beat someone’s ass, and ask themselves if their potential victim is packing.
Not guilty was the correct verdict and Treyvon got what he deserved!
He wasn’t “confronted by that person”. He left his car and *followed* the boy while threatening him.
There is only Zimmermans word on what happened before the shot. There’s conflicting statements from many witnesses that both support and completely contradict his account. The fact is, we don’t know if Zimmerman attacked and it was Trayvon who lashed out in self defense, or Zimmerman who was attacked and shot out of self defense.
I can tell you right now that if I saw a guy running after me, with a gun, I would do my best to beat the shit out of that person out of self defense. And seeing as Zimmerman had just told the police “These assholes always get away” before following Trayvon, while armed with a gun, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume he wasn’t just keeping a respectful distance and keeping a eye on the situation.
i’m not racist.. but fuck the niggers