Taste the rainbow

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    I heard the defense had an animated depiction of the events as they happened which clearly show no criminal culpability for Mr. Zimmerman but the honorable Debra dumbbitchstupidfuck ordered is suppressed. I think this is good enough to explain the events of what happend but I think it would be better if it went back further to include numerous instances of this kid fighting where he was the agressor, text from this kid trying to buy a gun or sell a gun that he had stolen, the incident where he was caught with stolen womens jewelry and burglars tools , him being caught defacing a school that was there for his benefit as well as the other children his age topped off by his use of facebook to project the image of being a threatening thug. @justice for trayvon I would say cool down,, trayvon got his justice already. Granted Zimmermans a dick , there’s no two ways about it but he can’t just try to beat a guy to death because he’s an asshole. If you could then there would only be a few people left in the world and we would be too tired to get anything done because we just spent all of our engergy beating the majority of people around us to death.

    side note on what a dick zimmerman is. No one want to become a cop to do any good. They want to do it to feel powerful. they cant wait till they get issued their badge , their gun and their stupid fucking mustache. But what I do find for the most part is even the most dickhole of cops I’ve met they only break the law to cover their ass, they don’t intentionally set out to do something that is inherently illegal.


    shut up nigger


    Until your reply I wasn’t sure what color I was or even if it mattered. My entire life I could have sworn I was ARYAN. Both my parents are white. But I guess my belief that Zimmerman is innocent of any crime but still happens to be an asshole make me a nigger then fine. I guess ill have to call the credit bureau and have the drop my score and start taking up smooth jazz and basketball. but wait,,, there is one other possibility; you could just be an ignorant fuckhead who dosn’t know how to read or can in fact read the words but not put them together in such a manner to understand the point of the above topic. In which case you would FAIL to understand that we are both on the same side in this specific issue. But then if that where the case , that would mean that if you really are some dumb shit you wouldn’t understand this response.

    here are some obvious clues in my prior post that should have given you a hint.
    *depiction of the events as they happened which clearly show no criminal culpability
    * the citation of many mitigating factors which demonstrate martins behavior that could give rise to a reasonable fear of him or how he might have acted to present a reasonable threat to zimmerman.,
    * My criticism of the judge presiding over the trial who is acting in a way that is clearly bias against zimmerman and represents possible constitutional violations against zimmermans right to a fair trial and at the very least are clear grounds for mistrial if he is not acquitted. This includes coercion by the judge to infringe against Zimmerman’s right to silence, right to a speedy trial, the denial of council(at times), the allowance of hear-say testimony and the exclusion of exculpatory evidence that would help to prove his criminal innocence.

    its assholes like you on both sides that want to make it about race. your probably taking the position that zimmeran is right because tray-tray is a jigga-boo. Thats just the word I imagine you using from time to time. The cock smokers on the other side refuse to believe that their darling football player is somehow responsible for his own death by way of his actions and then can only conclude that it must be some kind of racial bias. You know, you have a lot in common with those assholes as you both refuse to read and to correctly evaluate evidence. so congratulations, when zimmermans acquited,, and he will be, and the riots start,, and I think they will, I hope white trash fucking morons like you and anti-white extremists kill eachother leaving this hellhole of a state (FL) with just the intelligent white, black, Asian and Latinas. now why don’t you go put on a white hoodie and walk through a predominantly black neighborhood looking like your going to start a cross fire. When one of them pop you in the face I will support his right to defend himself.


    i said shut up


    Trolled much?

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