Everyone knows that a double-tie adds 10 years.
Yeah, but the 47 year old Marty could still hold nitroglycerin without tripping off. Can’t be said of the 48 year old Fox.
That 47yo shot is from an alternate future where he screwed up early leading to a largely unsuccessful and stressed life.
thank you mister duh
i bet the first one don’t twitch like a martini shaker
Everyone knows that a double-tie adds 10 years.
Yeah, but the 47 year old Marty could still hold nitroglycerin without tripping off. Can’t be said of the 48 year old Fox.
That 47yo shot is from an alternate future where he screwed up early leading to a largely unsuccessful and stressed life.
thank you mister duh
i bet the first one don’t twitch like a martini shaker