Apparently Russia is a very dangerous place to live…
Ricardo (#)
11 years ago
And these posters are Communist propaganda how? Is work place safety a Communist concept? Does Russian lettering automatically make it Communist? If the timeless “Hang In There Baby!” poster, with the hanging cat, had Russian lettering, would it be Communist propaganda?
Apparently Russia is a very dangerous place to live…
And these posters are Communist propaganda how? Is work place safety a Communist concept? Does Russian lettering automatically make it Communist? If the timeless “Hang In There Baby!” poster, with the hanging cat, had Russian lettering, would it be Communist propaganda?
yes. Only unions want workplace safety…and unions are made by evil nazi communists. Ask FOX news.
absent reads cracked
What I take from this is that Russians do not believe in hard hats or safety guards. Damned communists!
this shit wouldn’t happened under obama…because people are still unemployed
I’m done. Enjoy your ponies.