Raiders of the Lost Ark IMAX Poster
Added on June 10th, 2013 by rdeckard | Report Post
Tags:IMAX, Movie Posters, Movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark
Tags:IMAX, Movie Posters, Movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark
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Zomg, going.
Honestly, considering the Star Wars prequels and Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls; I can’t see giving Lucas and Spielberg any more of my money. Especially, for simply re-releasing their old stuff, no matter how good it was/is.
Sorry to disappoint, or not as the case maybe, but Raiders was released in IMAX theaters September of last year.
I just liked the poster. Looks like they commissioned Drew Struzan to do it.
“For the first time ever, own all four movies on blu-ray”.
THREE, there were THREE movies, and nothing you say can convince me otherwise! LALALA I’M NOT LISTENING!