There was some fucked up shit that snuck through, I’ve deleted that fucked up shit and have fucked it’s shit up.
fuuuuuck. I apologize for the fucked up shit that fucked up our shit.
There was some fucked up shit that snuck through, I’ve deleted that fucked up shit and have fucked it’s shit up.
fuuuuuck. I apologize for the fucked up shit that fucked up our shit.
aww man…I missed it?
I presume he’s talking about the boiled dogs. Oddly enough if you start talking about how Jews drink the blood of babies everyone knows you’re a crazy asshole, but when you talk about Asians torturing and eating dogs, everyone believes you.
Go figure.
No one has posted any pictures of Jews drinking baby’s blood. If they had, we’d believe it. Particularly if they were drinking them straight out of the Baby.
Pro tip – Capri Sun Straw.
In any event, equating words with pictures is bad math. Even those annoying Whoopi Goldberg ones rarely go past 50, while a picture is, if you believe the aphorism, worth 1000 of them…
Yeah, but Jews don’t actually drink blood, they drink sugary awful wine. At least some Asians do eat dogs, and torture pretty much any animal, although mostly out of convenience (less money on cages, easier transport). I saw it every day for years when I was over there.
Want proof?
1) Go to any large open market in southern China, or in some cities in northern China. Find dog butcher next to crowded cage of dogs. Watch.
2) Find any restaurant in China that says “??” in really big characters (these will be on nearly every street in some cities)(that was supposed to be ‘gourou’ but apparently Tiki removed unicode support :(((). Because it is not a secret or a source of shame, they will freely advertise “dog meat”. Ask to see the kitchen. Many restaurants in China are quite proud of their fresh ingredients, so will gladly show you the dogs being killed.
What’s the problem? I thought we were supposed to love all cultures because all cultural differences were beautiful and need our understanding! You didn’t think it was all fengshui and funny roofs did you?
Seriously, it is extremely common to eat dog meat in China. There is no taboo against it whatsoever. I’ve eaten it myself a few times.
If you want to ride your “not racist” high horse, you’re going to have to accept there are things in other countries you do not agree with.
Your line of reasoning – “It’s racist to suggest non-whites do not aspire to white customs” – is far more racist than any easily verifiable truth like “Asians eat Dogs”.
yeah, that was some fucked up shit.
i was like, “damn, that’s some fucked up shit”.
That fucked up shit looked like it was shooped. I could tell from the fucked up pixels.
For the record, I didn’t call for the removal of the fucked up shit since I don’t like censoring others; rather I suggested a banner like the NESFW one that labeled fucked up shit as being, well, fucked up shit.
Tiki, if you’re interested, I can submit a “warning: fucked up shit” banner for potential future use.
Hear Hear.
Then we would know that N(e)SFW = Boobs, and maybe cooter, and W:FUS = boiled dogs and headshots.
Or better yet, no boiled dogs or head shots? Lets just keep the f*cked up shit for where it belongs; 4chan.
that’s the route I’m going to go with. I’m ok with naked ladies and men. animals and gore….ugh. ew.
the fucked up shit is still in my RSS agregator, if anybody really wants to see it…
and, tiki… my RSS agregator says that YOU posted it… what makes it so that you can see it to post it, but you don’t see it well enough to know that it really shouldn’t be posted?
no clue how it got in my image hopper, but I throw like 300-400 images in at a time, I can only imagine that it was a hotlink protection from someone I downloaded it from.
Tiki, please. You posted that, you made the title, not someone else. You thought it would be a good shit, but seeing mcs has a shitload of “delicate sophisticates”\ignorant hypocrites\PETA, you caved.
Sort of because it’s back, although without comments, or possibility to post new:
man, that was some fucked up shit! but i googled and that image came up with a bunch of others. It was even more fucked up shit..glad I had already ate dinner. JESUS FUCK.
Well, censoring fucked up shit, is very fucked up itself. However, using a banner (similar to NeSFW) to advise viewers that there is some fucked up shit, might be the best solution. So if they continue, and find themselves seeing fucked up shit and say “Holy Shit! That’s some fucked up shit!”, at least they were warned that the shit was fucked up.
Yeah, fuck that shit.
That was fucked up.
shit be fucked up yo