Human-Ape love? That’s completely ridiculous. After all neither I nor anyone I consider an upstanding citizen has any desire to have sex with animals, which means those who do must be sick, crazy people who should be locked inside a windowless room with cushy wall for the rest of their lives instead of having “their rights” acknowledged. After all not allowing a man to marry another man is an infinite violation of human rights comparable to a million holocausts but not allowing a man to marry a chimp (even if the chimp could talk and express its desire to marry the man) would in no way violate anything because I say so.
Is it just me, or is that left chick a little Adolf-ish looking ?
If so, someone needs too read history more – gay people were one of the prime candidates for “vaporization”.
what? does the truth hurt? are you going to use that christian anger to damn me to eternal hell? too late! I’m stuck on a planet full of religious retards.
and are you really so dumb as to tell someone to shut up on the internet?without even bothering to specify what it is you have your panties in a wad about? moron
Let me know when the first country legalizes Human-Ape marriages….
Does anyone really fear this might actually happen?
when you believe a man could live inside a fish or that one guy put 2 of every animal on earth into one boat, you’ll believe anything. all hale FSM
Human-Ape love? That’s completely ridiculous. After all neither I nor anyone I consider an upstanding citizen has any desire to have sex with animals, which means those who do must be sick, crazy people who should be locked inside a windowless room with cushy wall for the rest of their lives instead of having “their rights” acknowledged. After all not allowing a man to marry another man is an infinite violation of human rights comparable to a million holocausts but not allowing a man to marry a chimp (even if the chimp could talk and express its desire to marry the man) would in no way violate anything because I say so.
Just want to point out that humans are apes.
Is it just me, or is that left chick a little Adolf-ish looking ?
If so, someone needs too read history more – gay people were one of the prime candidates for “vaporization”.
he was also a christian, so it kind of fits they would nazi her up to make people mad
you are both shitheads who need to shut the fuck up
what? does the truth hurt? are you going to use that christian anger to damn me to eternal hell? too late! I’m stuck on a planet full of religious retards.
and are you really so dumb as to tell someone to shut up on the internet?without even bothering to specify what it is you have your panties in a wad about? moron
Sounds like you’re the one with their panties in a wad. Seems like they’re right, the truth hurts.
actually I’m one of the first posters he told to shut up, so fuck off