and what kind of shit would this be? setting an unloaded firearm on the ground inside his own home (not even in view of anyone walking past) and taking a picture of it?
A thief could have grabbed it and ran with your stupid gun. As if he can’t buy ammunition at corner of town. What a retarded thing to do, and be proud of!
um, firstly, i doubt the guy actually left the room and waited and waited and waited while he watched it. he took the picture and then made the image above.
also, even if he did do that, he was watching his gun. and um, what thief is gonna see a gun barrel poking out of a door and think “imma go steal that”?
Any body really look at the picture? Rifle is behind the door, pointed at the hinges. All anyone would see walking by outside would be a slightly open door. And as for running away with it down to the corner to buy more bullets? Good luck finding any,I’m on a two month waiting list at three stores for that caliber. Hmm, maybe I should trade what I make in my basement to the local mexican cartel reps for ammo? No wait the feds get all pissy when you muscle into their racket and I don’t wanna end up as some unrecognisable charred lump of meat in a remote cabin.
how do you know where this is? from what you see in the picture it could be at a gun range , he might live way out in the woods, he could have the police standing guard outside, you people are a bunch of idiots that completely missed the joke on purpose to spread your ignorance
That`s the exact reason why you dip shits need gun control… leaving you guns laying around… don’t you know its not a toy…. why don’t you go take a duck face photo… or dance with in Harlem shake then when it accidently goes off…
Dog, how many times have we told you? There is no such thing as safe sex with a raccoon. Now go get that weaponized penis fixed (again) at the clinic, mmmkay?
12 years ago
if there were a god, Jesus would have walked through the door, locked-n-loaded and put a bullet in this guy’s face.
Really? You totally should have sold it to someone at a gunshow or on the sidewalk. You know, legally. Then you would have exactly the same story… well, minus the dead kids, but still you would be able to feel totally righteous.
12 years ago
Fact: There are 40 million gun owners in the United States.
Fact: There are 80 million firearms in the United States and more are being purchased every day.
Fact: People who are afraid of guns project their fears onto the gun owners and call them cowards.
Fact: If gun owners were as bad as the hoplophobes keep proving themselves to be there simply wouldn’t be any hoplophobes.
Fact: Gun owners are 99.99% good and honest people who have very good and legal reasons for owning their firearms.
Fact: Anti-gun people do not have good and legal reasons for their views. They are phobic. Unreasonable fear leads to unreasonable behavior. Anti-gun people constantly bring up violence and vicious images when dealing with reasonable people who are gun owners.
Fact: There are psychiatrists who can help people deal with their phobias.
Opinion: If a picture of an unloaded firearm harshes your mellow to the extent that you have to visualize the murder of the man who took it you really need help. Seek psychiatric care. If anyone knows this individual personally they should report this person’s obvious mental instability immediately to the nearest authorities.
12 years ago
wow there are some stupid mother fuckers on here , does anyone really not understand sarcasm? the whole thing is a play on guns don’t kill people, just like pens don’t cheat on taxes,
12 years ago
and your mammas like a doorknob everybody gets a turn
Guess what, First World countries with gun control have:
1. Orders of magnitude less population.
2. Orders of magnitude more violent crime on elderly and women.
3. Orders of magnitude less geographical area for the police to monitor and protect
4. Orders of magnitude less violent wildlife.
5. Orders of magnitude less men with manly moustaches.
Give me numbers to prove your stories….
Guess what:
1. Gun violence is generally reported per 100,000 residents, not total population.
2. Australia is roughly the size of the 48 continental US states
3. Australia has bitching dangerous wildlife.
4. Australia has less violence against women and elderly than the US
5. Australia has more men with manly moustaches, and better looking, too
6. US gun homicides per 100,000 – 3.2
Australia gun homicides per 100,000 – .09
7. Australia has full registration and strict gun control
skndrbg (#191104)
10 years ago
The voice on one shoulder says “stay out of it”, but the other wants to know which items of Oz’s “bitching dangerous wildlife” could possibly be considered suitable gun targets? Box jellyfish? sharks? spiders? snakes? (forget snakes Call of Duty guy – girly squeals and shooting ‘not even close’ holes in the ground, while testing the premise that one can both run backwards and shit concurrently is how that would likely go down.) That leaves baby-eating dingoes? Kangaroos? Roos are apparently dangerous only if one intrudes on their mating, so as restrictive as that is … maybe just put pants back on and walk away?
Now back to the US. Nothing so sad as a granola cookie wearing jingle bells and holding a camera in one hand and spray in the other when faced with: Bear, Cougar, Boar, Wolves, Coyotes ….
I don’t think many people would want to live next to a guy that does not know basic firearm safety and does this kind of shit.
and what kind of shit would this be? setting an unloaded firearm on the ground inside his own home (not even in view of anyone walking past) and taking a picture of it?
Yeppers… total menace to society right there….
A thief could have grabbed it and ran with your stupid gun. As if he can’t buy ammunition at corner of town. What a retarded thing to do, and be proud of!
um, firstly, i doubt the guy actually left the room and waited and waited and waited while he watched it. he took the picture and then made the image above.
also, even if he did do that, he was watching his gun. and um, what thief is gonna see a gun barrel poking out of a door and think “imma go steal that”?
Any body really look at the picture? Rifle is behind the door, pointed at the hinges. All anyone would see walking by outside would be a slightly open door. And as for running away with it down to the corner to buy more bullets? Good luck finding any,I’m on a two month waiting list at three stores for that caliber. Hmm, maybe I should trade what I make in my basement to the local mexican cartel reps for ammo? No wait the feds get all pissy when you muscle into their racket and I don’t wanna end up as some unrecognisable charred lump of meat in a remote cabin.
uh, yeah. Something’s retarded and it’s the guy I’m replying to.
how do you know where this is? from what you see in the picture it could be at a gun range , he might live way out in the woods, he could have the police standing guard outside, you people are a bunch of idiots that completely missed the joke on purpose to spread your ignorance
That`s the exact reason why you dip shits need gun control… leaving you guns laying around… don’t you know its not a toy…. why don’t you go take a duck face photo… or dance with in Harlem shake then when it accidently goes off…
#1 Put gun down.
#2 Take picture.
#3 Polish and cuddle gun.
#4 Lie on Internet.
i want my 12 seconds back.
It may be a good gun, but the owner sounds weird……and if he gets weirder then he and the gun become bad!
Why are these people calling him the idiot….
They don’t like guns.
Did you use it to pleasure yourself?
shooting a gun feels great. it is like killing someone with your dick
Dog, how many times have we told you? There is no such thing as safe sex with a raccoon. Now go get that weaponized penis fixed (again) at the clinic, mmmkay?
if there were a god, Jesus would have walked through the door, locked-n-loaded and put a bullet in this guy’s face.
how many legs do you have?
Really? You totally should have sold it to someone at a gunshow or on the sidewalk. You know, legally. Then you would have exactly the same story… well, minus the dead kids, but still you would be able to feel totally righteous.
Fact: There are 40 million gun owners in the United States.
Fact: There are 80 million firearms in the United States and more are being purchased every day.
Fact: People who are afraid of guns project their fears onto the gun owners and call them cowards.
Fact: If gun owners were as bad as the hoplophobes keep proving themselves to be there simply wouldn’t be any hoplophobes.
Fact: Gun owners are 99.99% good and honest people who have very good and legal reasons for owning their firearms.
Fact: Anti-gun people do not have good and legal reasons for their views. They are phobic. Unreasonable fear leads to unreasonable behavior. Anti-gun people constantly bring up violence and vicious images when dealing with reasonable people who are gun owners.
Fact: There are psychiatrists who can help people deal with their phobias.
Opinion: If a picture of an unloaded firearm harshes your mellow to the extent that you have to visualize the murder of the man who took it you really need help. Seek psychiatric care. If anyone knows this individual personally they should report this person’s obvious mental instability immediately to the nearest authorities.
wow there are some stupid mother fuckers on here , does anyone really not understand sarcasm? the whole thing is a play on guns don’t kill people, just like pens don’t cheat on taxes,
and your mammas like a doorknob everybody gets a turn
Guess what, First World countries with gun control have orders of magnitude less gun deaths than the United States.
Guess what, First World countries with gun control have:
1. Orders of magnitude less population.
2. Orders of magnitude more violent crime on elderly and women.
3. Orders of magnitude less geographical area for the police to monitor and protect
4. Orders of magnitude less violent wildlife.
5. Orders of magnitude less men with manly moustaches.
Give me numbers to prove your stories….
Guess what:
1. Gun violence is generally reported per 100,000 residents, not total population.
2. Australia is roughly the size of the 48 continental US states
3. Australia has bitching dangerous wildlife.
4. Australia has less violence against women and elderly than the US
5. Australia has more men with manly moustaches, and better looking, too
6. US gun homicides per 100,000 – 3.2
Australia gun homicides per 100,000 – .09
7. Australia has full registration and strict gun control
The voice on one shoulder says “stay out of it”, but the other wants to know which items of Oz’s “bitching dangerous wildlife” could possibly be considered suitable gun targets? Box jellyfish? sharks? spiders? snakes? (forget snakes Call of Duty guy – girly squeals and shooting ‘not even close’ holes in the ground, while testing the premise that one can both run backwards and shit concurrently is how that would likely go down.) That leaves baby-eating dingoes? Kangaroos? Roos are apparently dangerous only if one intrudes on their mating, so as restrictive as that is … maybe just put pants back on and walk away?
Now back to the US. Nothing so sad as a granola cookie wearing jingle bells and holding a camera in one hand and spray in the other when faced with: Bear, Cougar, Boar, Wolves, Coyotes ….