Logic dictates, Captain, that if guns were the only thing keeping criminals from killing everyone and the government from taking over and establishing a dictatorship, there wouldn’t be democratic, lawful, pro-gun control countries left.
Logic dictates captain. That if pro gunners were as non violent as anti-gunners. Then they wouldn’t be pro gunners. – same fucking point, still no dilemma.
Anti-gunners are violent. Pro-gunners train to apply violence. There is a difference. Anti-gunners post threats online when someone puts up a joke image of a gun sitting on the ground in front of a door. Anti-gunners think violating the privacy of people with gun permits and compromising the safety of police and security and prison guards to embarrass and harass people who own firearms is perfectly ethical and moral. Anti-gunners think that taking away the rights of other people will somehow make them less afraid themselves. Most pro-gunners are seriously gentle and polite people who just happen to acknowledge that the world that liberals *think* they live in with the unicorns and pagasoi and magic leprechauns doesn’t exist. Pro-gunners understand that if you want peace you have to prepare for war. Pro-gunners live where coyotes will eat your pets and livestock, wolves still attack people if given the chance, and mountain lions and bears aren’t always only seen at the zoo. For anti-gunners the picture of the mule kicking the mountain lion to death is something they saw on their computer screen. Pro-gunners see that and smell it and if they are slow or unlucky they might feel the claws and teeth. Pro-gunners live where alligators still kill people.
Anti-gunners hear about gun deaths on the news from their gated communities with armed guards or their high rise apartment with armed security at the door. Pro-gunners know what it feels like to have a bullet shatter on a brick wall and spray them with fragments when they are trying to get away from that crackhead with the stolen handgun who wants the money they simply don’t have. (because they obeyed the law and disarmed themselves when installing computer equipment in a “gun free zone” that wasn’t….entirely- they couldn’t return fire)
12 years ago
Logic fail, captain.
Nurgen (#177884)
12 years ago
I’m sorry, we’re going to have to revoke your license to use your shift keys.
you should watch “the daily show” with jon stewart, or Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. both of them are 100% against guns and want to ban them, at least in their past statements.
Seriously? All this genital fixation actually reflects negatively on you, or at least that is what the last psychiatrist I asked said.
And why the same argument for absolutely everything you liberals disagree with?
He drives a cadillac. obviously a tiny pecker he is compensating for..
He has a Windows PC instead of a MAC…Obviously a tiny penis.
He has a big pickup truck. Obviously a tiny penis.
He is intelligent and articulate but not gay….obviously a tiny penis.
He has a sports car that isn’t on the hipster approval list… obviously a tiny penis.
He drinks whiskey instead of PBR….obviously a tiny penis.
He doesn’t have a man purse….obviously a tiny penis.
He has a wife and kids and no extramarital offspring.. obviously a tiny penis.
He pays his bills on time and is a responsible citizen with a job in the private sector ….obviously a tiny penis.
He understands economics and supply and demand and how communism is bad….obviously a tiny penis.
The list is entirely too long to enumerate but the point is pick a different ad hominem attack. You are just showing your lack of creativity and inventiveness with this one.
Logic dictates, Captain, that if guns were the only thing keeping criminals from killing everyone and the government from taking over and establishing a dictatorship, there wouldn’t be democratic, lawful, pro-gun control countries left.
No such thing as Democracy son, it’s all a joke…
Logic dictates captain. That if pro gunners were as non violent as anti-gunners. Then they wouldn’t be pro gunners. – same fucking point, still no dilemma.
Anti-gunners are violent. Pro-gunners train to apply violence. There is a difference. Anti-gunners post threats online when someone puts up a joke image of a gun sitting on the ground in front of a door. Anti-gunners think violating the privacy of people with gun permits and compromising the safety of police and security and prison guards to embarrass and harass people who own firearms is perfectly ethical and moral. Anti-gunners think that taking away the rights of other people will somehow make them less afraid themselves. Most pro-gunners are seriously gentle and polite people who just happen to acknowledge that the world that liberals *think* they live in with the unicorns and pagasoi and magic leprechauns doesn’t exist. Pro-gunners understand that if you want peace you have to prepare for war. Pro-gunners live where coyotes will eat your pets and livestock, wolves still attack people if given the chance, and mountain lions and bears aren’t always only seen at the zoo. For anti-gunners the picture of the mule kicking the mountain lion to death is something they saw on their computer screen. Pro-gunners see that and smell it and if they are slow or unlucky they might feel the claws and teeth. Pro-gunners live where alligators still kill people.
Anti-gunners hear about gun deaths on the news from their gated communities with armed guards or their high rise apartment with armed security at the door. Pro-gunners know what it feels like to have a bullet shatter on a brick wall and spray them with fragments when they are trying to get away from that crackhead with the stolen handgun who wants the money they simply don’t have. (because they obeyed the law and disarmed themselves when installing computer equipment in a “gun free zone” that wasn’t….entirely- they couldn’t return fire)
Logic fail, captain.
I’m sorry, we’re going to have to revoke your license to use your shift keys.
Never met anyone who was anti-gun. Met a lot of people who are pro-registration and lawful regulation.
Like it says in the second amendment – “a well regulated militia”
Never? Not even one?
What skary ass place do you live in?
you should watch “the daily show” with jon stewart, or Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. both of them are 100% against guns and want to ban them, at least in their past statements.
Logic dictates, Captain, that pro-gunners are wusses with inadequate genitalia, and their fear of losing their guns is a form of Castration Anxiety.
say that to my face faggot boy. there’s not enough stalin for you liberal scum
Seriously? All this genital fixation actually reflects negatively on you, or at least that is what the last psychiatrist I asked said.
And why the same argument for absolutely everything you liberals disagree with?
He drives a cadillac. obviously a tiny pecker he is compensating for..
He has a Windows PC instead of a MAC…Obviously a tiny penis.
He has a big pickup truck. Obviously a tiny penis.
He is intelligent and articulate but not gay….obviously a tiny penis.
He has a sports car that isn’t on the hipster approval list… obviously a tiny penis.
He drinks whiskey instead of PBR….obviously a tiny penis.
He doesn’t have a man purse….obviously a tiny penis.
He has a wife and kids and no extramarital offspring.. obviously a tiny penis.
He pays his bills on time and is a responsible citizen with a job in the private sector ….obviously a tiny penis.
He understands economics and supply and demand and how communism is bad….obviously a tiny penis.
The list is entirely too long to enumerate but the point is pick a different ad hominem attack. You are just showing your lack of creativity and inventiveness with this one.