This is what bothers me about “Internet Atheists”, they complain about how theists don’t make even a passing attempt at understanding reality and then go and make ignorant statements like this one that don’t make even a passing attempt at understanding the theist’s reasoning.
Here’s the detail that the text forgets: theists believe in “free will”. They weren’t praying for god to change the ballots or the numbers in computers totaling the votes, they were praying for god to enlighten the heathens and give them the wisdom to choose “the right guy”. The thing is that, though god could’ve changed their minds as easily as a computer nerds changes his desktop wallpaper, he chooses not to because the “free will” thing. So even if god could have changed the outcome of the election, he thought that allowing the humans the freedom to choose wrongly was more important than having the “right guy” at president. So it’s not about god being all powerful or not, it’s about god knowing the difference between “can”, and “should”.
And FYI, I’m an atheist, just not an Internet Atheist. (And no, there’s no such thing as free will in a deterministic universe.)
This is what bothers me about “Internet Atheists”, they complain about how theists don’t make even a passing attempt at understanding reality and then go and make ignorant statements like this one that don’t make even a passing attempt at understanding the theist’s reasoning.
Here’s the detail that the text forgets: theists believe in “free will”. They weren’t praying for god to change the ballots or the numbers in computers totaling the votes, they were praying for god to enlighten the heathens and give them the wisdom to choose “the right guy”. The thing is that, though god could’ve changed their minds as easily as a computer nerds changes his desktop wallpaper, he chooses not to because the “free will” thing. So even if god could have changed the outcome of the election, he thought that allowing the humans the freedom to choose wrongly was more important than having the “right guy” at president. So it’s not about god being all powerful or not, it’s about god knowing the difference between “can”, and “should”.
And FYI, I’m an atheist, just not an Internet Atheist. (And no, there’s no such thing as free will in a deterministic universe.)
Copypasta fail.
The thing I hate about internet atheists is how they prop up non-phonemic orthography and don’t have the balls to ask that damn red haired girl out.
Kerning Nazi is upset with how “always” looks.
Comment troll fail
Insert Fry meme
Not sure if a troll
or just got lost posting.