Remember, Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

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Think different, NRA.

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    According to the Westboro Church…they deserved to die because they were sinning. Regardless of the fact that they were children and all children are innocent in the eyes of god.

    But, what do I know. I’m an atheist; I don’t believe in God, Santa Clause, or the Easter Bunny. Once you die, you just rot in the ground.


    The NRA had nothing to do with this. The inanimate object is neither good nor evil. The shooter is evil. Period.

    And, since 60% of handgun deaths are suicides, do we need to outlaw NSAIDs? Car crashes account for a significant number of deaths each year – the answer is a ban, correct?


    Cars aren’t meant for warfare, Automatic rifles with huge magazines are. Unless you intend to let me buy a tank and drive it on the highways, rethink your analogy…


    Uh, what’s a tank besides an armored car/vehicle. Rethink your response. And if you can tell me where I can buy an automatic rifle or a tank, I’d love to have at least one of each. (I think those are ‘controlled’ already. Rethink your response. And jeeps, personnel carriers, humvees, Et al, are all meant for warfare. Rethink.


    The question is, where is the line?

    Directly applying your line of thought, it should be perfectly legal for individuals to own cruise missiles and weapon grade plutonium.

    Certainly everything is dangerous in the right circumstances, but that doesn’t mean an individual should be able to own absolutely anything.

    Do you want your neighbor to own canisters of nerve gas? Of course not, if you are reasonable. That begs the question, where is the line in the sand between what is permissible and what isn’t?


    How do you get from there to here? And all those things that you lefties run/cling to in this argument are already strictly controlled. And what is ‘permissible’ is what the Founders decided:

    -“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” –Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishment, quoted by Thomas Jefferson.

    We are a nation of laws – not the nation of feelings that the left so yearn for.


    Oh, a random quote.

    a) So a quote TJ put in a Commonplace Book is what “the Founders” decided?

    b) What the Founders decided got amended over and over to keep it up to date. So it seems legit to keep amending it to keep it up to date.

    Which brings me to:
    c) A man who has died 186 years ago, quoting a book that was written 248 years ago is not what one would call “up to date”.


    It’s called a “sample,” BTW. There are at least a hundred quotes from Washington to Adams to Paine to Madison etc… And if you’re confused, they were kind enough to write it down for anyone who can read.

    I tired of this nonsense. Ban my second amendment right? Let’s ban your first amendment right and deny you Internet access entirely – growing with the times!

    I tire of these people who know nothing about guns arguing most loudly for their ban.

    Luke Magnifico

    If you went back in time and showed the founding fathers of your nation a cellphone they’d probably have you burned as a witch.

    Times change, society changes with the times or it stagnates. Do you want to live in a stagnant society?


    … and “burned as a witch?” Where did you pull that little tidbit out of?

    Luke Magnifico

    It’s some harmless hyperbole, an exaggeration to enhance the dramatic effect of my argument. It regards the attitude of great confusion and fear with which they’d address you, a completely average and ordinary American citizen in the 21st century.



    You ignored the question.

    Pretty much when I see you thing out the term “lefties” I know you are going to argue against your own preconceived notions rather than the actual argument.

    I’m a gun owner with a CCW permit.

    Is there a line? “Arms” refers to a weapon. That’s a pretty broad category.

    To strictly follow the second amendment, “arms” simply refers to weapons.

    There should be some sort of line between completely allowing a free for all and restricting certain things within reason.


    No Banning guns is not the answer. But what about examining existing gun laws? Why is that not okay? Maybe there are some loopholes that need to looked at. How else can there be such a huge illegal arms market in the US? A friend of mine just walked into a gun show and bought a gun. He doesn’t have any license other than a driving license and a fishing license. I’d say there is something look at when it comes to weapons. At least a car is used for driving around but what else is a gun used for except to shoot and kill things?

    The NRA’s ridiculous negation of any sort of gun control talk is scary. Call the liberals whatever you want, but at least they are willing to talk.




    “illegal” what?


    Closing loopholes isn’t going to reduce an illegal arms market.

    Illegal activity, by definition, is against the law.


    Guns are not just for killing. They are also used for sport. There are nine summer olympic events and one winter event that involve shooting.


    And how many of those events involve guns with more than 10 rounds in one magazine? Aren’t most of those shooting events done with bolt action riffles? I’ll give you that not all guns are used for killing, but no private citizen needs an assault riffle. No private citizen really needs a semi-automatic. If you haven’t hit your target in a few shots, take up another hobby. If it’s for home protection, a shotgun should suffice. If you can’t hit a home invader with a shotgun, you should move in with someone who can.


    Same question I ask all you lefties: please, for the love of GOD, could you define an “assault rifle?” You know what it is? ANYthing the gubermint says it is. My favorite sidearm has a 15 round magazine because I bought it prior to the so-called “assault weapon ban” way back when. Since then I can only find 10 round magazines.

    The only gun available for sale (legally), are semi-auto. And that pretty much describes all guns you or anyone else could lay your hands on (again, legally).


    Assault rifle: capable of burst or full automatic fire. None of the rifles used in these mass shootings were such. Burst:3 to 5 rounds per pull of trigger. Full auto: keeps firing as long as trigger is depressed, and bullets are feeding. Semi-auto:1 pull of the trigger, one bullet out the barrel, weapon reloads itself. Yes, I own shotguns. I would not use them for in house defence. they are hunting guns and too damn long for close quarters. same with my semi auto .22lr rifles, both built in the 1940s, holding 14rounds apiece. All my guns are kept locked up, I have kids around. While I do keep my revolver handy, if you come in my house uninvited you are more likely to be ripped apart by dogs, and beat to hamburger with the 8lb sledge I sleep with.


    There are plenty of laws already on the books. That did not stop these shooters. Hindsight 20/20, there were red flags on all these shooters, yet no one stepped up and said to authorities”hey this guy may be a problem.” As for your friend walking into a gun show and buying a weapon, he had to have filled out a form for the purchase that checked him out. I know I have to fill out a form for the background check EVERY TIME EVERY Purchase at my local gun store and gun shows, even though I am a regular and well known to these sellers.


    As for the NRA, They do not speak for me. They are almost as bad for gun owners as the most rabid anti gun people.


    Maybe even worse. IMHO, what mostly gives the US the reputation of being a country of trigger-happy gunwankers is the dimwitted blather of NRA officials.

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