Fucking Christmas Sucks

As we all know, holidays suck major dick.  Comment below on how shitty your holiday was.

Me?  I had to drive around the great state of Florida for 12 hours to be bored out of my mind in several different places and received mediocre gifts and try to not slap everyone I met over the last 48 hours.

That being said, I did get two Halo Warthog sets.  and I bought my gf a 1911 9mm and myself a glock 17 🙂

Here, have some xmas images:
https://www.myconfinedspace.com/tag/x-mas/ (dash!)
https://www.myconfinedspace.com/tag/christmas/ (keep christ in christmas!)
https://www.myconfinedspace.com/tag/xmas/ (no dash, more images?)

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    I should join you for a game of halo someday
    we all should


    Might want too clarify yourself. You have to restrain yourself from murder yet are going around playing “violent video games” and buying yourself and everybody guns. Stay away from any schools and theaters.

    Have a 17 myself….fine handgun.

    Karatesaurus Rex

    My son put a packback full of paperwork on the stove on Saturday. We didn’t lose the house, but we lost about half of the kitchen….


    that is some shit right there.


    sad americans lol, wtf


    Yes, but I think his bitching is just part of the trolling nature of the Internet. Christmas was meant for a time we were all mostly serfs and got a day off while the wealthy went around celebrating Christ smiling down on them with their good fortunes, we’re all better off now, so there’s no more gratitude left for anything…


    I’m alone today. I’ll be alone tomorrow too.

    Not feeling your pain.


    As long as you have the ‘Net, you’ll never be alone.

    Best Wishes 😉


    Christmas was great! Happy Holidays guys 🙂


    I have no booze so.. it’ll be boring.


    so far my fam is all talking shit cuz i want to regulate how many gifts my autistic kid gets all at once… has blocked me on fb and is bullying me… super fun yay!!! am only waiting till bf comes home from work so i can bust out my rum


    I feel your pain, gotta run all over NE Florida tomorrow. Fortunately there will be booze at the last stop. we both got let go from our jobs for x-mas so things are kinda lame around here :/


    I forgot to ask, what kind of 1911 did you get your GF? I have a Rock Island Armory commander size in .45 that is a trip to shoot. Although I am much more of a Walther girl. I have 5 different Walther’s 3 PP’s .380, .32, and a .22lr, along with a PPK/s in .380, and also a P22. I also have several of those fun little NAA mini revolvers. Glad to hear of another Lady who shoots 🙂


    Very nice, they are kick ass guns. My husband also has one of the Rock Island 1911’s for his CCW and got me mine in self defense because I always enjoy shooting his. I almost got the rock Island 9mm but we ended up running across the .45 at a good price.


    Santa brought a fat sack.

    I hope everyone has a good day!


    This week has been amazing.

    Saturday I went to Colorado to see my family and to Christmas shop. My grandmother wanted to help us out, so she took us to Sams Club and bought us 160 dollars worth the groceries. While over in CO, we ran into a good friend of ours and went to lunch and caught up on missed time. After that, we drove home and picked up our kids from my parents house.

    Today was a blast. I Woke up this morning to a blanket of snow and the smell of hot cocoa. My wife also made scones. I had to go to physical therapy today and while we were there, we dropped off a bunch of blankets to give to the elderly in the extended care unit of the hospital. Sadly, some of those people in there do not receive any type of gift from family or friends, so hopefully this brings a smile to their face tomorrow. When we got home, my son and daughter played with play doh and made Santa’s and snow men. We then gave them Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and they loved it. After that, we found “How the Grinch stole Christmas” on tv and watched it. The kids loved it. My son wasn’t feeling good, because he has a fever and possibly a cold coming on, so I stayed home with him while my wife went to our churches Christmas Eve service with my parents and her best friend. My son and I talked about Christ and how Christmas is important because it celebrates the birth of Jesus. We watched some cartoons about Jesus’ birth and set out cookies for Santa.

    Right now we are setting up stockings and putting batteries into my sons new remote control truck, which I had been working and saving up for since he told me he wanted one back in July. My daughter will be happy to get her interactive Dora the Explorer doll tomorrow.

    Christmas is a wonderful holiday, and I have no idea how people can see the negative in going to see family and deliver gifts. I also cannot believe that you would bitch over the fact that someone went out and got you something, even if it was mediocre in your eyes.

    Also, I’m not making shit up. This is how my week went.


    “Christmas is important because it celebrates the birth of Jesus.”

    Do you enjoy lying to children?


    As said before:


    Mine was fine.
    I got some new clothes; I might even post some camwhoring shots on here.

    Luke Magnifico

    I got some shoes. Shoes I didn’t even have to pay for!



    I got money


    >bought a shit load of presents for everyone
    >only present my family got me was Angry Birds lip balm from a 10 year old


    If you don’t like X-Mass, why are you doing\celebrating\whatever, it ?!
    Retarded much ?


    Nice choice of handguns. You should post some pics and then maybe we all might bitch about trigger discipline.

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