I AM THE KING, BIG DICKS UP THE BUTT, If that speeSort of out of the blue I suppose, but I wonder what the atheists here think of the whole free speech argument over the Islam-insulting film that allegedly, but actually did not, set off the embassy attacks overseas. The head of the UN said that he believed in free speech except in causing hurt and insult to others, and the LA Times, and several high-profile folks in entertainment and politics have said the film-maker needs to be punished for insulting Islam – well, inflaming things anyway, making the “crying fire in a theater” argument. There are even calls for international laws against insulting religious figures, including Mohammad, Buddha and Jesus. So in light of that, where do you guys stand? I mean you’re never gonna see Christians attacking embassies or calling for the arrest of atheists when they “attack” Jesus or Christianity. Sure they moan and groan and get a prayer circle going for you which I know is annoying, but past that you can be pretty sure you are safe. But what if they start passing laws that say you can’t post things that attack religion? Any religion including the horror that is Christianity. What WILL you guys do for fun on the internet then? Or seriously, what will you do about it at all? And before you say, bullshit, it will never happen, I strongly suggest you rethink that. Once they started calling things “hate crimes” they opened a big damn door because any thought can be described by someone else as hateful and therefore any statement can as well. I’ll end by saying I assume you guys are a tad concerned about this trend. I know I am because no matter how offensive the speech one should have the right for the government not to restrict it.
ch is just trolling for the sake of trolling, pissing others of, etc., then it’s not speech, so…
“I mean you’re never gonna see Christians attacking embassies or calling for the arrest
dude Obama wont, the law will. And as long as people are stupid motherfuckers who dont understand what constitutes a drug this will always be the case.
Caffeine is a drug, nicotine is a drug, alcohol is a drug, but OMFG Weed! Oh noes its a gate way drug, so if fucking Alcohol morons, so me a stoner who never had a beer.
It’s the PEOPLEs fault this kind of shit goes on. About time the world got its head out of it ass, and started to worry about the important stuff rather than Johnny smoking a joint, as if is going to bring about the end of the world. Dumb ass fuckers.
12 years ago
When did Eddie Bravo become a celebrity? Only Jiu jitsu guys know who the hell he is. Hell most MMA fans have no idea who he is.
So you saying that “famous” people smoke weed just like “normal” people ? What this world has come too ?! In couple of years, they’ll probably cheat on their partner, kill people, and\or kill themselves\OD.
Oh wait…
12 years ago
You could simplify this list by just printing the word “EVERYONE” on a white background.
I AM THE KING, BIG DICKS UP THE BUTT, If that speeSort of out of the blue I suppose, but I wonder what the atheists here think of the whole free speech argument over the Islam-insulting film that allegedly, but actually did not, set off the embassy attacks overseas. The head of the UN said that he believed in free speech except in causing hurt and insult to others, and the LA Times, and several high-profile folks in entertainment and politics have said the film-maker needs to be punished for insulting Islam – well, inflaming things anyway, making the “crying fire in a theater” argument. There are even calls for international laws against insulting religious figures, including Mohammad, Buddha and Jesus. So in light of that, where do you guys stand? I mean you’re never gonna see Christians attacking embassies or calling for the arrest of atheists when they “attack” Jesus or Christianity. Sure they moan and groan and get a prayer circle going for you which I know is annoying, but past that you can be pretty sure you are safe. But what if they start passing laws that say you can’t post things that attack religion? Any religion including the horror that is Christianity. What WILL you guys do for fun on the internet then? Or seriously, what will you do about it at all? And before you say, bullshit, it will never happen, I strongly suggest you rethink that. Once they started calling things “hate crimes” they opened a big damn door because any thought can be described by someone else as hateful and therefore any statement can as well. I’ll end by saying I assume you guys are a tad concerned about this trend. I know I am because no matter how offensive the speech one should have the right for the government not to restrict it.
ch is just trolling for the sake of trolling, pissing others of, etc., then it’s not speech, so…
“I mean you’re never gonna see Christians attacking embassies or calling for the arrest
You’re like the cheap Chinese knock off of Magnus.
And only one of them, Obama, as the Chief Executive of the Federal Government, will put your ass in jail for doing what he did.
dude Obama wont, the law will. And as long as people are stupid motherfuckers who dont understand what constitutes a drug this will always be the case.
Caffeine is a drug, nicotine is a drug, alcohol is a drug, but OMFG Weed! Oh noes its a gate way drug, so if fucking Alcohol morons, so me a stoner who never had a beer.
It’s the PEOPLEs fault this kind of shit goes on. About time the world got its head out of it ass, and started to worry about the important stuff rather than Johnny smoking a joint, as if is going to bring about the end of the world. Dumb ass fuckers.
When did Eddie Bravo become a celebrity? Only Jiu jitsu guys know who the hell he is. Hell most MMA fans have no idea who he is.
…and every citizen of washington and colorado!
So you saying that “famous” people smoke weed just like “normal” people ? What this world has come too ?! In couple of years, they’ll probably cheat on their partner, kill people, and\or kill themselves\OD.
Oh wait…
You could simplify this list by just printing the word “EVERYONE” on a white background.