you don’t need to believe to have a merry christmas!
Added on December 5th, 2012 by nestorbagot2 | Report Post
Tags:Atheism, Forum Fodder, Humor, Religion, X-Mas
Tags:Atheism, Forum Fodder, Humor, Religion, X-Mas
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no is dolan
The image maker is making a good point, but ruining it with lousy research.
1) The holiday wreath is Etruscan, thousands of years older than Wicca.
2) Ancient Germanic peoples (not Celts) held the Mistletoe as sacred, but the kissing thing seems to be modern.
3) The Christmas Tree is also ancient Germanic: they were famous for tree worship. Saturnalia is an unrelated Roman holiday.
Why would you bother making a pedantic image like this if you can’t even spend five minutes googling getting your facts straight? Being pedantic and sarcastic is something you earn, not just something everyone is entitled to.
Thank you Caio.
fuck yall. alls i need is booze
“you don’t need to believe to have a merry christmas!”
Well, since it’s CHRISTmas, you should believe in Christ.
Since mas = mass, you should be Catholic.
Mass isn’t only a catholic thing.
Neither is Christmas only a Christian thing.
I didn’t say it is.
But it is “silly” to celebrate something named after a guy, in whom you don’t believe.
Who cares who it’s named after? You’re allowed to enjoy a weekend without believing in the Roman god Saturn.
It’s not about Jesus anymore, hardly even for Christians.
You know what’s silly? Celebrating Jesus’ birthday on a day which is most likely not his birthday.
I think anybody who’s celebrating stuff, should care what they celebrating, and why. If not, then why call it Christmas, and not winter solstice, W-Sol, or something like that ? Or why you need to call it at all ?
“You know what’s silly? Celebrating Jesus’ birthday on a day which is most likely not his birthday.”
Yes it is, but I didn’t say it isn’t.
We still call it Christmas because we’re lazy, and people know what we don’t mean “we celebrate Jesus’ birthday” but “we give each other presents and decorate a tree”.
No need to be all OCD and expect every thing to correspond exactly with its name. You need to stop being so nit-picky, man, it doesn’t reflect well on you.
“No need to be all OCD…”
I only pointed out that since it’s Christ-mas one should believe in Christ. It’s you who started to dwell. Either because you thought I wrote something, or just because you need to have the final word.
As for “reflection”, I don’t really care what people around me think, so try to imagine how I feel about anonymous people from Internet.
You should try it, maybe then that urge “to show others”, will diminish, and you’ll be healthier.
It’s fine, I think you realize by now that you were wrong. It’s okay to say so.
Sometimes a thing can be cultural even if it’s got religious roots. That’s just how things work.
I missed the part where Christians attended mass?