Have you even read what he said? It’s obvious that he has divine guidance.
Who else at the time had both denied that the sun is at the center of the universe and that a virgin gave birth to the zombie god-king ? Bellarmine was a prophet ! 😀
BenK (#)
12 years ago
Cardinal Bellarmine died in 1621. Unless there’s a second Cardinal Bellarmine involved in the Galileo case, this quote is fake.
It’s pretty obvious that the heads of the Catholic church don’t have any kind of divine guidance.
Have you even read what he said? It’s obvious that he has divine guidance.
Who else at the time had both denied that the sun is at the center of the universe and that a virgin gave birth to the zombie god-king ? Bellarmine was a prophet ! 😀
Cardinal Bellarmine died in 1621. Unless there’s a second Cardinal Bellarmine involved in the Galileo case, this quote is fake.
The year was off, he said it back in 1615, I don’t know where they got that year from…
Maybe they just didn’t care. Scientific exactitude and exact quoting is for wussies anyway.