Does this image/pattern do to your monitor’s resolution what it does to mine…?
What’s doubly weird is that I made it on MSPaint not two hours before posting it.
Weird…for me, even when I don’t scroll, this faint, static-esque shimmer pervades the whole thing; more noticeable when you’re viewing it from dead-on 90 degrees, as opposed to viewing it from an angle.
I should check the refresh rate…I’m looking at it on an Acer B243HL (1920×1080) btw.
It blinks when I scroll the picture.
Weird…for me, even when I don’t scroll, this faint, static-esque shimmer pervades the whole thing; more noticeable when you’re viewing it from dead-on 90 degrees, as opposed to viewing it from an angle.
I should check the refresh rate…I’m looking at it on an Acer B243HL (1920×1080) btw.
It means that you should invest in a higher quality video card.