Mandarin – Iron Man 3

mandirin.jpg (43 KB)

Sir Ben as the Mandarin. Great actor, but I wonder why they didn’t get someone Asian?

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    Because if it isn’t sam jackson, only white people sell movies.

    /cue ‘What about will smith?’ ‘Yeah hes white so he gets jobs acting’


    Because HOW much of us does China own by now?


    Max von Sydow as Ming in Flash Gordon
    Yul Brynner in The King and I
    John Wayne as Genghis Khan in The Conqueror
    David Carradine in Kung Fu
    Ricardo Montalban in Sayonara

    Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany’s is the most notorious chinky chinaman impersonation, but that was ’61.

    What amazes me is that modern films like The Last Airbender and now this still cast pretty white kids (or academy award winners) as asians. Can’t wait to see Lindsay Lohan play Harriet Tubman.


    I am guessing to avoid accusations of racism.


    Ben Kingsley is half Indian, so half asain. But not oriental.


    there is no orient.


    Because names we know sell more movies than names we can’t pronounce.


    As stated above, Kingsley is half Indian. His birth name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji, and his father was of Gujarati descent.

    Still, making the character ethnically vague is better than sticking to the original interpretation which was pretty much a racist caricature born out of anti-Communist Cold War sentiments.

    Luke Magnifico

    Canonically speaking his mother is British.

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