Kings of all types
Added on October 24th, 2012 by crewmanguy | Report Post
Tags:Books, Dungeons & Dragons, Game of Thrones, Movies, The Lord of the Rings
Tags:Books, Dungeons & Dragons, Game of Thrones, Movies, The Lord of the Rings
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Has there ever been a king named Mitch?
Why stop there? How about one that collected crappy knick knacks? The Kitsch King? Or the rugby obsessed one, the Pitch King? Maybe the hydrology obsessed Ditch King? Matchmaking Hitch King?
Well if there were, I hope they all found their place in this world, so they could all be called a Niche King.
(I am so very ashamed of myself there 😛 ).
I for one am impressed. 🙂
Well, puns are a poor man’s comedy, but the cheesy ones come so naturally me. I left out the itch king, the rich king (duh!), and couldn’t find anything interesting to do with the sitch king (maybe lame sitcom character: “what’s the sitch, man?!”).
Ok, you can stop now, you’ve exceeded your funny limit for this post.
The only thing I can say is this kid is going to pay for this hard as he grows up, because there are a lot of dumbasses that don’t understand he is just an actor playing a role.