Peanut butter and a dog collar.
Babyfood and a whole raw fish, and I maintain eye contact the entire time I’m at the register and don’t say a word
Rope and a map of the county. Ask for the cashier’s address.
rubber gloves and the most phallic looking carrot/cucumber I can find
a popular kid’s candy and the most sexual pair of kids undies I can find
hahaha, I can imagine you running around stopping people saying “Do you think these would look sexy on a 6yr old?” and “Are these sexy to you?”
crotchless pantyhose and Vagisil
apples razor blades
I work as a cashier at walmart and none of the items themselves would creep me out together, the only thing creepy about these things is what everyone is saying after
Ex-lax and adult diapers.
50 shades of grey and one of these dog toys
A book or magazine with pictures of young kids, preferably mostly boys, and some Lotion. (I feel creepy just posting this)
I feel creepy reading it –
Fishing rod and haribo
Rain coat and a novelty thong/cod piece
Bible and a gun
Black bin liners and handcuffs
xkcd example – a pregnancy test and wire coathanger
preparation H bullhorn
a case of beer, a video game and baby food. then pretend i dont have enough for all and put the baby food back, saying “she can eat next week”.
None of these comments are funny.
Get that stick outta your ass. These are funny. Not gems, but funny.
Rubbermaid container and a cleaver.
A zucchini and a plunger…
This one has me intrigued. And a little worried.
Two foot length of chain and a parenting book.
razor blades and lemons
Tampons and fire starter fluid
Babyfood and a whole raw fish, and I maintain eye contact the entire time I’m at the register and don’t say a word
Rope and a map of the county. Ask for the cashier’s address.
rubber gloves and the most phallic looking carrot/cucumber I can find
a popular kid’s candy and the most sexual pair of kids undies I can find
hahaha, I can imagine you running around stopping people saying “Do you think these would look sexy on a 6yr old?” and “Are these sexy to you?”
crotchless pantyhose and Vagisil
razor blades
I work as a cashier at walmart and none of the items themselves would creep me out together, the only thing creepy about these things is what everyone is saying after
Ex-lax and adult diapers.
50 shades of grey and one of these dog toys
A book or magazine with pictures of young kids, preferably mostly boys, and some Lotion. (I feel creepy just posting this)
I feel creepy reading it –
Fishing rod and haribo
Rain coat and a novelty thong/cod piece
Bible and a gun
Black bin liners and handcuffs
xkcd example – a pregnancy test and wire coathanger
preparation H
a case of beer, a video game and baby food. then pretend i dont have enough for all and put the baby food back, saying “she can eat next week”.
None of these comments are funny.
Get that stick outta your ass. These are funny. Not gems, but funny.
Rubbermaid container and a cleaver.
A zucchini and a plunger…
This one has me intrigued. And a little worried.
Two foot length of chain and a parenting book.
razor blades and lemons
Tampons and fire starter fluid