Not that I trust Wikipedia farther than I can throw them, suggests that they were originally little ‘nuts’ of dough, kinda of like what are called donut holes in the US. This surprises me because I thought the ‘nut’ was a contraction of ‘nought,’ or zero (as in little zero shaped things made of dough.
Either way, apparently the hole is for the same reason as with bagels–if you just make a disk of dough, the center will cook at a different rate than everything else.
the stupidity of the post’s title actually brings up a good point, what constitutes a “donut” vs a “bagel”?
Sugar? Taste?
being cut in half?
Donuts are fried confectionery. I don’t think there’s actually a good reason for a whole in them, considering they also make donuts without holes.
Bagels are a yeasted wheat bread product. The reason they have a hole in them is to provide an even cooking area during baking.
a bialy is a bagel without a hole…
Not that I trust Wikipedia farther than I can throw them, suggests that they were originally little ‘nuts’ of dough, kinda of like what are called donut holes in the US. This surprises me because I thought the ‘nut’ was a contraction of ‘nought,’ or zero (as in little zero shaped things made of dough.
Either way, apparently the hole is for the same reason as with bagels–if you just make a disk of dough, the center will cook at a different rate than everything else.
Damn you, you just made me realize I misspelled hole.
No it doesn’t.
Why put a hole in a perfectly good piece of bread?
I just explained it: even baking area.
Oh, that you did. Have a thumbs up.