All I was getting at is that the picture’s statement was one of the driving forces of Reaganomics, I never said anything about monstrous debt. Perhaps you were jumping the gun a bit there tex?
12 years ago
The “Liberal” theory:
The principle that the poor, who have no talent, no education, no intelligence, and no desire to work for a living can best be served by ensuring that they never have any need to get off their lazy butts and improve themselves because the government will give them everything they need free of charge with no obligation to ever pay back.
Oprah Winfrey and David Geffen were both on welfare at one time – what was that about no talent, no intelligence?
When she was writing the first Harry Potter book, J.K. Rowling was living in her car and on public assistance. Too bad she had “no desire to work for a living” or she might have made something of herself – like maybe $910m
I’m guess you’re on welfare which is why you retreat to that same little factoid like it’s got any merit what so ever?
Why don’t you just read off the welfare sponges that won the lottery too while you’re at it, moron?
Welfare guarantees a class of loser who sponges off of people. There should be no welfare for more than 1 year. In 1 year if you can’t find a job the government should pay you to work for them doing menial tasks.
I see you’re a fan of Bill Clinton – he’s the one who eliminated welfare in 1996 and created “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)”
TANF requires that states insure employment whenever possible and imposes a five-year lifetime limit on cash assistance. Clinton originally proposed a one year limit but congress voted that down.
Oh, and if by “welfare” you mean “partner in a real estate development company that owns seven+ million square feet of commercial real estate and is living off the returns” then yes, I’m on welfare.
You do realize that that’s one of those campaign catch phrases that really means nothing, don’t you? People redistribute your wealth all the time – it’s called capitalism.
Do I want someone to break into my house and steal all my stuff? No. Do I want to pay the police a fair wage to protect my stuff? Yes. Wealth redistributed.
The big question is not whether or not I want my wealth distributed but where I want it to go.
Do I want it to go to Halliburton for a war I didn’t want, or do I want it to go to teacher’s salaries so the kids in my neighborhood can actually make change when I buy something. Don’t fall for the campaign bullshit, the real issues require more than slogans.
You seem to be painfully unaware of the difference between redistributing one’s wealth and having it redistributed by someone else.
Either that, or you simply don’t mind having your wealth redistributed by someone else, as long as it goes somewhere you approve of. In that case, you seem to be painfully unaware of the possibility that other people can have different preferences. Not just concerning the recipients, but also the “redistribution” itself.
Having your money misappropriated is a chance you take with every transaction you make. That’s why you research the people you do business with, and the people you vote for.
Yeah, but if I don’t want to do business with someone, I just don’t. End of story. But when the public vote decides how much of your money goes where, things don’t always go so smooth. Remember when you said you don’t appreciate your money being given to Halliburton? Yeah.
So you and your siblings share control of some land your parents left you in charge of?
And you wonder why I don’t take you seriously?
You’re THE WORST kind of loser. You have NO experience in the real world but want to tell everyone how it works.
You’re beyond a 1%er. You’re the evil 1%er’s entitled little brat, shit eating fucking liberal douchebag kid.
Shove your fucking iphone up your closest case asshole and die you petulant self hating rag of American rot. No wonder you’re such a fag. You likely don’t even know what work looks like.
Fuckoff. You and retard deserve each other.
Partner in a commercial real estate development my fucking nutsack lol. What kind of development? Or is your understanding of real estate about as good as your understanding of politics?
Magnus, first you guessed that I was on welfare, now you guess that I’m a trust fund baby – well as usual you’re wrong on both counts. But if you think I’m going to give you details of my personal life think again – you go on having all the fantasies you want. I’ll just giggle at how completely wrong you are.
You’re the one who keeps bullshitting over and over.
It’s not my fault you cheer on welfare cases and then claim you’re not one by way of being a ‘partner in a commercial real estate company’ which anyone who has ever worked in real estate knows is what spoiled little shits who’s daddy left them some land say.
Giggle away if you’d like. You’re the one so conflicted and full of hate for yourself that you attack people like you. You claim you’re straight and rich and white and you hate straight, rich, white people.
And you wonder why I call you a closet case? lol
Still giggling? No? I am.
12 years ago
If were giving those people who are 100% disenfranchised (which I would argue don’t actually exist and is a straw man) free money to feed themselves, I consider that a better and much cheaper option then them robbing/potentially hurting someone for food and then we have to pay for them in jail anyways at a much, much higher rate.
How about a fucking job!!!!!! Whats better people dependent on the Goverment? How about they have to work for it. Like clean the city parks? DO something for the community thats giving them free money!
I can’t, since I’m a sex offender and convicted felon. No one will hire me. I’m not on welfare, and I don’t rate unemployment because I was in prison for the last year not paying taxes on no income. I will gladly clean toilets, streets, or whatever legal job there is… I’m able-bodied, speak perfect English, and I have a high school diploma. I’ve been looking for work for months. Fuck this.
I’m a good worker with 8 years of experience in my field and multiple awards, citations, and certifications. Also, I didn’t commit my crime at work, and it had nothing to do with work. How does my non-violent, non-drug related, non-integrity related crime hinder my ability to produce work? I am not blaming anyone but myself, since I was wrong. I am only pointing out that I want to work, but no one will hire me. I’m not on the street (yet) but I’d say I’m close to being the ‘100% disenfranchised’ person anon doesn’t believe exists.
Sounds legit.
Reaganomics at least WORKED!
Taxing American businesses to give free food, shelter, clothing and health care to able bodied people who don’t work or pay taxes is smarter, you say?
Yeah, damn those poor people. Why don’t they save money and buy a house and stop being poor. Damn their eyes!
Here’s a new rule for you: If you’re going to feed the trolls, only go for the named ones.
Oh, you silly boy and your silly rules 😀
Reaganomics ? You imbecile !
Go take a class and learn how you started to get into monstrous debt !
All I was getting at is that the picture’s statement was one of the driving forces of Reaganomics, I never said anything about monstrous debt. Perhaps you were jumping the gun a bit there tex?
The “Liberal” theory:
The principle that the poor, who have no talent, no education, no intelligence, and no desire to work for a living can best be served by ensuring that they never have any need to get off their lazy butts and improve themselves because the government will give them everything they need free of charge with no obligation to ever pay back.
Oprah Winfrey and David Geffen were both on welfare at one time – what was that about no talent, no intelligence?
When she was writing the first Harry Potter book, J.K. Rowling was living in her car and on public assistance. Too bad she had “no desire to work for a living” or she might have made something of herself – like maybe $910m
I’m guess you’re on welfare which is why you retreat to that same little factoid like it’s got any merit what so ever?
Why don’t you just read off the welfare sponges that won the lottery too while you’re at it, moron?
Welfare guarantees a class of loser who sponges off of people. There should be no welfare for more than 1 year. In 1 year if you can’t find a job the government should pay you to work for them doing menial tasks.
I see you’re a fan of Bill Clinton – he’s the one who eliminated welfare in 1996 and created “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)”
TANF requires that states insure employment whenever possible and imposes a five-year lifetime limit on cash assistance. Clinton originally proposed a one year limit but congress voted that down.
Oh, and if by “welfare” you mean “partner in a real estate development company that owns seven+ million square feet of commercial real estate and is living off the returns” then yes, I’m on welfare.
So you’re one of those evil one-percenters, huh? When’s a convenient time for me to come over and “redistribute” your “excess wealth”?
Not quite a one percent-er, more like a ten percent-er. And Sara is doing a fine job of “redistributing” my “excess wealth” already, thank you –
What, you don’t like it when strangers “redistribute” your wealth?
You do realize that that’s one of those campaign catch phrases that really means nothing, don’t you? People redistribute your wealth all the time – it’s called capitalism.
Do I want someone to break into my house and steal all my stuff? No. Do I want to pay the police a fair wage to protect my stuff? Yes. Wealth redistributed.
The big question is not whether or not I want my wealth distributed but where I want it to go.
Do I want it to go to Halliburton for a war I didn’t want, or do I want it to go to teacher’s salaries so the kids in my neighborhood can actually make change when I buy something. Don’t fall for the campaign bullshit, the real issues require more than slogans.
You seem to be painfully unaware of the difference between redistributing one’s wealth and having it redistributed by someone else.
Either that, or you simply don’t mind having your wealth redistributed by someone else, as long as it goes somewhere you approve of. In that case, you seem to be painfully unaware of the possibility that other people can have different preferences. Not just concerning the recipients, but also the “redistribution” itself.
Having your money misappropriated is a chance you take with every transaction you make. That’s why you research the people you do business with, and the people you vote for.
Yeah, but if I don’t want to do business with someone, I just don’t. End of story. But when the public vote decides how much of your money goes where, things don’t always go so smooth. Remember when you said you don’t appreciate your money being given to Halliburton? Yeah.
So you and your siblings share control of some land your parents left you in charge of?
And you wonder why I don’t take you seriously?
You’re THE WORST kind of loser. You have NO experience in the real world but want to tell everyone how it works.
You’re beyond a 1%er. You’re the evil 1%er’s entitled little brat, shit eating fucking liberal douchebag kid.
Shove your fucking iphone up your closest case asshole and die you petulant self hating rag of American rot. No wonder you’re such a fag. You likely don’t even know what work looks like.
Fuckoff. You and retard deserve each other.
Partner in a commercial real estate development my fucking nutsack lol. What kind of development? Or is your understanding of real estate about as good as your understanding of politics?
Fucking die in a ditch.
Magnus, first you guessed that I was on welfare, now you guess that I’m a trust fund baby – well as usual you’re wrong on both counts. But if you think I’m going to give you details of my personal life think again – you go on having all the fantasies you want. I’ll just giggle at how completely wrong you are.
You’re the one who keeps bullshitting over and over.
It’s not my fault you cheer on welfare cases and then claim you’re not one by way of being a ‘partner in a commercial real estate company’ which anyone who has ever worked in real estate knows is what spoiled little shits who’s daddy left them some land say.
Giggle away if you’d like. You’re the one so conflicted and full of hate for yourself that you attack people like you. You claim you’re straight and rich and white and you hate straight, rich, white people.
And you wonder why I call you a closet case? lol
Still giggling? No? I am.
If were giving those people who are 100% disenfranchised (which I would argue don’t actually exist and is a straw man) free money to feed themselves, I consider that a better and much cheaper option then them robbing/potentially hurting someone for food and then we have to pay for them in jail anyways at a much, much higher rate.
How about a fucking job!!!!!! Whats better people dependent on the Goverment? How about they have to work for it. Like clean the city parks? DO something for the community thats giving them free money!
I can’t, since I’m a sex offender and convicted felon. No one will hire me. I’m not on welfare, and I don’t rate unemployment because I was in prison for the last year not paying taxes on no income. I will gladly clean toilets, streets, or whatever legal job there is… I’m able-bodied, speak perfect English, and I have a high school diploma. I’ve been looking for work for months. Fuck this.
Do you blame people for not wanting to hire you?
I’m a good worker with 8 years of experience in my field and multiple awards, citations, and certifications. Also, I didn’t commit my crime at work, and it had nothing to do with work. How does my non-violent, non-drug related, non-integrity related crime hinder my ability to produce work? I am not blaming anyone but myself, since I was wrong. I am only pointing out that I want to work, but no one will hire me. I’m not on the street (yet) but I’d say I’m close to being the ‘100% disenfranchised’ person anon doesn’t believe exists.
Spoiler alert
soylent yellow is horses…