Why does politics burn when it’s election time?

So what way do you swing, liberal or conservative?


It’s for a “poll”



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    nominally green, but more or less anarchist.


    The seeds of democracy are tainted by the germs of corporations.


    I’ve no idea what that meant I just wanted attention


    Pinko commie lib here.

    Kik Dogg

    Nihilistic pacifism ftw


    Financial conservative, small government proponent, state laws proponent, keep social programs that matter both at state and federal level, and restructure the the ones that aren’t working to create ones that do (to accomplish the attended goal) or scrap them to fund others that are already working (whether the goal is similar or not), keep government out of our private lives, don’t go into pointless bullshit wars and get the fuck out if you do, legalize MJ but keep working to keep the hard shit off the streets, rework immigration to allow easier access but keep out the riff-raff, get it so that we spend more on education than we do on the god damned jail system, I don’t know what kind of fuck I am, so what kind of fuck am I?


    You’re yourself. We need to get away from the delusion that there’s a left and right, as if all opinions fit on a simple linear continuum, when in reality its a field with more dimensions than we can possibly conceptualize.




    I’d like to steal your answer for my own. Also ^^this.




    Moderate independent who recognizes the need for varied opinions, but just wishes both sides would learn to compromise instead of posturing to protect their own jobs. My strongest political opinion at the moment is the need for congressional term limits.


    Independent, I research candidates and vote for those who actions seem sanest regardless of party.


    Progressive Independent at heart, Democrat on paper. We have closed primaries and Oklahoma Republicans tend to all be bible thumping racists so I went the other way.


    Probably as close to the political moderate that the U.S. still has. Was a Minnesota republican on the state level back in the 90s, but preferred the Dems positions on national legislation. Come the 2000s and was told that the republican party “had no place” for someone like me. Big tent my ass.


    I like a lot of the ideas that the Greens and the Socialists espouse, but I also am opposed to increasing gun control measures. If social/health problems are addressed, then increased gun control laws would be pointless.



    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Why didn’t you all just answer ‘Pompous asshole’?

    Like anyone really gives a shit about your understanding and interpretations. Just say left or right and get used to not mattering.


    I don’t want to. I don’t want to vote for a ‘lesser evil.’ I don’t want to vote for evil. Fuck this shit.


    So just give up? Thanks, I have no patience for suckling on Nihilism’s teat.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You go make a difference then. Instead of bettering your own life go whine for the government to do it for you and complain no matter how wins.

    You got me!


    I never would have predicted that maggie would have posted something angry and confrontational on this thread.


    Well, he does know a lot about Pompous assholes – being the king and all

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    So I’m your king then?

    Thanks but if that’s the case you’re all dead.


    All hail the king of the pompous assholes!

    Hip, Hip, Hooray!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I love how you completely missed that you are by this logic resigned to being a servant asshole.

    Nice. The king of assholes is pleased with how fucking retarded you bottom feeding assholes are.


    Awwww, Magnus – you make it sound like we hurt your feelings and stuff.

    And considering how considerate of everyone else’s feelings you are, that sounds kind of mean.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Once again when reality fails the libfag he just goes ahead and tries to bullshit reality in the face of a paper trail directly above his stupidity.


    democrat voting moderate

    Karatesaurus Rex



    I’m an Independent moderate. Which is to say I like a little from both left and right, but think both left and right are fucking nuts in general. I vote for the person who seems to have eaten less glue as a child, and doesn’t seem to have a corporations dick firmly up their ass.


    We need a mandatory “None of the Above” on each and every position.


    Conservative. Shrink fed gov’t to pre-Civil War size, keep it around for common money, foreign relations and fuck all else.


    Yeah, Police and the Military are just a waste of time anyway –


    No federal police leaves state/county/city police, military is foreign relations. Go read a book – I’ve eaten things smarter than you.


    That’s a clever plan, except that you’ll need more state police to cover for the feds you just fired – in fact, now that every state has to have their own CDC, DEP, their own weather service etc, the amount of redundancy will be staggering. Now where you had one NOAA you have to have 50, all doing the same thing. In the end you’ll either have a drop in lifestyle or an increase in cost of at least 25%

    Yes, a clever plan indeed


    Voting =’s getting to pick if the guy to your left gets to hit you in the head with a baseball bat, or his twin brother to the right gets to do it.

    When politicians have to “officialy register” their promises during the running (so they can’t flip flop later) and are held accountable for not fulfilling them, then I’ll start voting again.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Sorry not acceptable. Vote president limp wrist token hire or the lefties will cry and cry.


    Who says we don’t burn all year long. The fires will never cease.


    For those without a clear answer(and I was one…) www.isidewith.com. I thought I was a Democrat/liberal, apparently Green Party Liberal instead. Now who the hell is this Jill Stein lady?!?

    Jac H

    Moderate but very Democrat. The NRA has gone off the hook, but in general I don’t support restrictive gun laws* – that get’s me kicked out of all the best Liberal meetings.

    * For me anyway, for most of my neighbors I’m pretty sure they shouldn’t be able to have firearms…


    No clue. Definitely socially liberal, but on the fiscal side, I consider myself to be conservative, and I’ve been told I fit the classical progressive label well. Not that any party or even any candidate comes close to what I think.



    That could help some people figure out where they stand with the six presidential candidates.




    Ultra-conservative. Reagan was too much of a moderate!


    I guess socially I am liberal and fiscally I am conservative.

    Do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone but yourself or take any of my money.


    That’s what republicans were 30-40 years ago, isn’t it?


    I am a librariatarian. I believe we need more libraries and have no opinion on any other issues.

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