covenant until death bitches
who would win part II
Added on August 28th, 2012 by #makecasemdsgreatagain | Report Post
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Halo, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Halo, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate
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Not the photoshoppers, clearly. That’s one ugly-ass image.
Lexx would win.
That starship in the bottom, where’s it from ?
Lexx ?! Christ that show sucked 🙂 It takes some epic nerdness to sit through a Lexx ep.
Anyhow, the enterprise has like 10x the fire power of anything in the starwars universe except the death star.
I’m not sure about the rest of them…
Yes, I remember Lexx cutting a planet in half, or something like that, plus it looked like a giant dragonfly. How awesome is that ?
As for nerdness, maybe, didn’t watch it a lot, but German version had nice, sexy female voice for Lexx. The male voice in the original version, is probably one of the reasons I didn’t get around to watch it in full.
The Enterprise does not have that much firepower.
It does have superior shields.
And the ability to breach and then launch warp cores, which is more effective than anything ever.
Um…you’re so completely wrong it is not even worth providing a link to mathematical evidence. Ask someone to google it for you.
It’s a Covenant supercarrier from Halo, the Ascendant Justice. I’m not sure it was the best ship to pick from Halo for this battle. It does have a lot of guns and several bays full of fighters.
What’s the ship in top right? I’m not entirely sure what perspective I’m supposed to see it from. Why is this image such low quality?
top right is Enterprise. Do you mean top left? That would be an Ori ship. They are from Stargate SG1.
Fuck, I’m amazed that you recognized it. Have we mentioned that the image quality sucks?
It’s a pretty distinctive ship, even without all the details\with fucked up shadows.
What’s the “covenant”?
cult from Stargate that worshipped a group of ancients that abused their powers as 4D beings
I think you’re talking about the Ori. The Covenant is from Halo.
oh yeah…guh…talk about a case of the ‘tarded…
That’s the game that’s based on Quake, right?
oh yeah…no-one talks about the Strogg any more…
It is not based on Quake.
People say it is, but it is not.
There are similarities, like the fact that they are both first person shooters.
Galactus would win.
Ori all the way.
I call in MasterChief and Cortona, ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doctor Who. Done.
Well fuck, that was a lame argument that nobody gives a shit about.
Much like warp cores > everything
Proper SciFy alternative is Farscape’s Crichton on a dingy life boat with that feed-the-galaxy-to-a-black-hole throne.
I like that idea even better. and for dessert, that black hole gets crichton too. FEED THE WHOLE UNIVERSE TO IT BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA