football…as gay as all the other two sided team sports
12 years ago
Either Soccer or Football would be correct, Soccer comes from the old name for Football, Association Football. Also that looks like Fifa 12.Mags is right whoever took the time to make this is as bent as a five bob note and a bit sad..
This is how you score in soccer.
I would take you seriously if you actually knew how to spell
Indeed, it’s spelt F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L
Indeed, it’s spelled S-P-E-L-L-E-D.
Looks more like Mixed Martial Arts.
I think you mean the entire worlds favourite sport other than the US with it’s near Xenophobic attitude to sports.
Go learn to spell then read about Penn State 🙂
lol@whoever took the time to actually make that
sad. hmm. sad.
I think it’s from one of those “we do the news” types groups that’s been all the rage lately, so it’s just a toolset.
maybe took them 5 minutes?
football…as gay as all the other two sided team sports
Either Soccer or Football would be correct, Soccer comes from the old name for Football, Association Football. Also that looks like Fifa 12.Mags is right whoever took the time to make this is as bent as a five bob note and a bit sad..
Could have been a glitch/just something they noticed in a replay