Right. This load of shit gushes easily from the rich. When you eat rice and beans 3 times a week, your car is a death trap, and you use one visa to pay the minimum payment of another, hearing “courage” “dogma” and “inner voice” just makes you violent.
Your time is limited, so don’t give a crap about other people. – Steve Jobs.
I like people on “death row”, very often they don’t give a damn, and say, do interesting, awesome things.
Gee, thanks for the wisdom, Oprah.
Right. This load of shit gushes easily from the rich. When you eat rice and beans 3 times a week, your car is a death trap, and you use one visa to pay the minimum payment of another, hearing “courage” “dogma” and “inner voice” just makes you violent.
“Poor people? What’s poor people?” – Steve Jobs
“Also make sure to steal as many IPs as possible and claim them as your own. GAME CHANGER!” – Steve Jobs
Now picture this with Adolph Hitler’s name at the bottom – or Jeffery Dahmer, or Wade Michael
following his “inner voice” and taking home remedies and quack medicine in the hopes it would cure his cancer wasn’t a very good idea now was it?
Death is secondary.
Nothing says ‘Think for yourself’ and ‘Don’t listen to other people’ like quoting somebody.