Never forget 9/11

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    Dude… Seriously?
    I get what you’re saying but still…

    Enfermero Torero

    That is a good take on the subject…


    I know I keep repeating myself, but this cutting edge stuff just ROCKS. It’s just so DEEP and meaningful.


    What a deep and meaningful rebuttal. Especially the caps. That really drives your point home.

    I think it’s just posted so people can watch you pout more.


    What an ass hole.


    I’m not American and I don’t quite get this picture…
    Could anyone explain to me why this is awesome/horrible? What the hell is going on there?


    It probably depics 9-11, who caused, and what happened afterwards, for which 9-11 was cause\excuse:
    – dude in yellow prison suit, from Guantánamo,
    – dude in sack cloth from Abu Ghraib,
    – TSA coping a feel,



    Man in yellow is unused character design of the Comedian from the Watchmen.

    Man standing with hood on is the Unknown Comic trying to make a comeback. Good luck with that.

    Woman in purple is Octo-Mom being fingered by father # 5, Timothy Steven Andrews.

    Elephant and Donkey are characters from the comic series Elephant Men.

    The guy bleeding is what happens when you go to a third world country on vacation and lose a kidney to organ trafficking. The gentleman with him is an EMT holding his head up so he wont faint.

    I dont know who the space man is.


    I don’t get why the woman getting felt up by the TSA perve seems to be enjoying it.


    Probably for the same reason the corpse seem to be enjoying being held up as a trophy.


    *seems to enjoy

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