May Live to See…
Added on June 4th, 2012 by rdeckard | Report Post
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Science!, Technology, Vertical Wallpaper
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Science!, Technology, Vertical Wallpaper
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Not 100% accurate, but not as zany as a lot of predictions then. Given that skyscrapers and subway systems were brand new inventions, this is pretty prescient. We don’t land planes or unload zeppelins onto building roofs, but we do have helicopter pads on them. We have mixed use (commercial, corporate, and residential) buildings, parks on top of skyscrapers, and occasionally pedestrian only plazas. They got some stuff wrong (mostly going for too many levels). Few sidewalks above roads (although underground parking). No slow and fast moving traffic levels (but isolated highways and freeways which came about a few years from this publication in Germany, and in the U.S. after WWII). Aside from thinking too big, this isn’t bad.