Coulson funeral
Added on May 26th, 2012 by #makecasemdsgreatagain | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, Sad :(, The Avengers (2012), Vertical Wallpaper
Tags:Comic Books, Sad :(, The Avengers (2012), Vertical Wallpaper
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Odindammit… I’m too old and jaded for something like this to make me tear up… must… resist… the tears…
Rest in peace, Son of Coul. *sniff*
Coulson didn’t die, it was a LMD! thats my story and im sticking to it!
There’s a thread goin around the bendis board that colson may come back as The Vision. I don’t know how I feel about that. Thoughts?
Stay dead Coulson, you already served your purpose in the MCU.
Marvel Cinematic Universe 🙂
Pretty cool artwork.