They flew into those buildings because of a religion? Funny I was sure it was because of economic reasons. You’re the genius with the shit ass paint skills though so I guess you’re right…
Yeah, but I’m pretty sure they flew into the plane because of religion.
Vance Logan
12 years ago
We don’t need old or new religious impulses or NASA-like scientific advances, either one, to in no less a scale or manner continue our species’ centuries and centuries and centuries of constant warfare and one-on-one personal murders.
Didn’t science create the Atomic bomb?
It’s not the tools, it’s the way they’re used that counts
Thanks for reminding me what it’s like to be 12.
They flew into those buildings because of a religion? Funny I was sure it was because of economic reasons. You’re the genius with the shit ass paint skills though so I guess you’re right…
Wait…did anal boy just defend Islam?
I was honest. Unlike the majority of tards I don’t think of real world problems the same way I do videogames.
Yeah, but I’m pretty sure they flew into the plane because of religion.
We don’t need old or new religious impulses or NASA-like scientific advances, either one, to in no less a scale or manner continue our species’ centuries and centuries and centuries of constant warfare and one-on-one personal murders.