I always get confused. Did she eat the apple or the snake?
The apple. THEN the “snake”.
I thought the apple WAS the snake?
I’m getting all tangled up in analogies here.
Doesn’t matter, it’s all made up any way. It’s like arguing over Harry Potter plot points.
A smarter god would’ve made a coconut of knowledge, a taller tree, or kept the snake out of the way.
How come gods always seem like normal, barely-smarter-than-a-peasant guys with really big sticks?
I always get confused. Did she eat the apple or the snake?
The apple. THEN the “snake”.
I thought the apple WAS the snake?
I’m getting all tangled up in analogies here.
Doesn’t matter, it’s all made up any way. It’s like arguing over Harry Potter plot points.
A smarter god would’ve made a coconut of knowledge, a taller tree, or kept the snake out of the way.
How come gods always seem like normal, barely-smarter-than-a-peasant guys with really big sticks?